The Rise of Skywalker Criticism Thread *SPOILERS*

By Odanan, in X-Wing Off-Topic

4 hours ago, Jo Jo said:

Does anybody actually like ROS? Where they rank it at least in their top 3 Star Wars movies, or even top 5?

Define "liked."

As a sit down and turn off my brain type movie, I could enjoy it for the dumb action. It was deeply flawed, but I could mostly just go 'meh.' Hated it as a "closure to the saga" story, there was so much potential leading into, even after the other two movies, that just seemed phoned in to try to cash in on nostalgia rather than depend on story at all.

It doesn't rank top 3 Star Wars movies for me, obviously. Top 5... in the Skywalker saga only... maybe. The competition is really trying hard to fight for the bottom. It might make 5th, because I heavily disliked the execution of the prequel movies, I'm biased by nostalgia and prefer the original trilogy as top three, and well... TFA or ROS for 5th? I think ROS managed more tension than TFA, but still totally flopped the dialogue during those moments and the story too over-the-top to suspend belief enough to forget the reality of it. I preferred TLJ, honestly, though that Canto Bight stuff was painful as all heck.

Revenge of the Sith may actually sit in 5th, though one must remember to turn the movie off or walk out before the ending...

Solo and Rogue One were much more enjoyable films... (still cringe-worthy at times, but better overall)

2 hours ago, Marinealver said:

This is the way.

16 hours ago, Marinealver said:



OK. Change it to here are only three SKYWALKER movies. 🤣

5 hours ago, Odanan said:

I'd still argue there are three more personally. 😭

There are more than three. Most of them just aren't very good.

Can I insert the shows anywhere in this? If so, I'm totally including CW and (much of) Rebels.

If not, top three: ANH, AotC, RO. And those are really hard to pick for me in any order. TFA will have to sit at #4, it actually almost made it.

I guess, I feel the way about the rest of the sequel content the same way Obi-Wan felt about Anakin's fall I guess. "You were the chosen one! You were supposed to bring balance to the saga, not destroy it!"

Meanwhile the potential of what could have been an amazing storytelling lays burning in a river of hate from all sides, including it's own new Emperor Mouse creators with it's limbs hacked off because it tried to leap too far in an effort to be flashy but with no substance or through line to land an impact. And I have to walk away and leave it, laying deformed twisted and broken by it's own mistakes helped along by the surgical cuts of the critical thinking audience.

Then there's a little Mark Hamill Luke in my head who reminds me that there's still good in it, I can feel it. And I remember the promise of what could have been as I left the theatre of 7. Was it #1? No. But it gave me hope. Was it off to a fantastic start? No, but it could pick up some speed later. And that's how it gets the #4 spot. Though it's a tough race for the middle spots.

On 2/6/2020 at 8:52 AM, ForceSensitive said:

top three: ANH, AotC, RO

Attack of the Clones at number 2? You, sir, are despicable and beyond redemption.

Um... copy and paste some other personal attacks from some other Star Wars thread and apply them to yourself, or something.

Actually, this is exactly why somebody can enjoy and have a film as a favourite despite it being bad. EP II was horrifically flawed and terribly executed, and aside from some pretty artistic shots and some underlying story that was more interesting than the main plotline, there's not a whole lot that felt redeemable. Probably 9th in the Skywalker saga in my own list. It all comes down to personal preference in theater, I suppose, and why individual opinions shouldn't be attacked.

16 minutes ago, LagJanson said:

Attack of the Clones at number 2? You, sir, are despicable and beyond redemption.

Um... copy and paste some other personal attacks from some other Star Wars thread and apply them to yourself, or something.

Actually, this is exactly why somebody can enjoy and have a film as a favourite despite it being bad. EP II was horrifically flawed and terribly executed, and aside from some pretty artistic shots and some underlying story that was more interesting than the main plotline, there's not a whole lot that felt redeemable. Probably 9th in the Skywalker saga in my own list. It all comes down to personal preference in theater, I suppose, and why individual opinions shouldn't be attacked.

When you consider that the only real reason I watched the prequels at all wasn't for Anakin's story, but for Obi-wan, then it might make more sense? Seeing the plot of Sheeve form throughout the prequels was a great treat that topping me didn't know what to really do with, and Obi uncovering some of the hints was a cool arc for me. Top of the cake was great visuals and awesome battles with a few individual theatrical duels. Obi a constant presence throughout kept me in the game. Ani-Me was awkward but it had some neat bits for young and old me alike. Any awkwardness in it was easily dismissed for me as a background element composed of your usual awkward teen romance. They're teens, it should be awkward lol 😝

What made it so bad for you? Just curious.

2 hours ago, ForceSensitive said:

When you consider that the only real reason I watched the prequels at all wasn't for Anakin's story, but for Obi-wan, then it might make more sense?

Not really, but it's fine that you like it. That's really my point.

2 hours ago, ForceSensitive said:

What made it so bad for you? Just curious.

Without having seen it for years, intentionally, here we go with some low-lights.

  • Dialogue
  • the awkward romance
  • the infectious dumb supposedly smart/powerful character pass between each other
  • baby Fett
  • overly complex plans
  • the blind acceptance of a clone army by the Republic that was made in secret
  • racial designs

To be fair, that underlying Palpatine storyline is good. The problem was just about everything else.

EDIT: Oh god, that awful C-3PO head swap with a battle droid sequence just came back to me... I'll be back later, I need to go find some bleach to drink.

Edited by LagJanson
15 minutes ago, LagJanson said:

Not really, but it's fine that you like it. That's really my point.

Without having seen it for years, intentionally, here we go with some low-lights.

  • Dialogue
  • the awkward romance
  • the infectious dumb supposedly smart/powerful character pass between each other
  • baby Fett
  • overly complex plans
  • the blind acceptance of a clone army by the Republic that was made in secret
  • racial designs

To be fair, that underlying Palpatine storyline is good. The problem was just about everything else.

I tried the introduce my 7 years old son to Star Wars with Ep. I, but the film was so awkward, ponderous, uninteresting. We couldn't manage to finish it (which was sad, because the only remarkable scene is in the final showdown).

If Lucas wanted to make the Prequels a gateway to Star Wars, he failed.

@Odanan ... He's seven. Just skip to the race already! That's what I go to half the time! 😂 Seriously though, granted the plot taking that detour to Tattooine for a cool race just to introduce a few characters may be a little weird,... But it's exactly what 8 did only worse. At least when ep1 did it the cast was still together, we get some world building out of it, and the main plot still has something to do with it instead of being a brief fetch quest for one dude who leaves anyway 🤣

I'll take the detour to odd Tattooine with Maul in pursuit, to fix the ship, to save the Queen, to get some more details and lore and interactions on a origin planet, over Cant-be-right any day 😐 👍

5 hours ago, LagJanson said:

Not really, but it's fine that you like it. That's really my point.

Without having seen it for years, intentionally, here we go with some low-lights.

  • Dialogue
  • the awkward romance
  • the infectious dumb supposedly smart/powerful character pass between each other
  • baby Fett
  • overly complex plans
  • the blind acceptance of a clone army by the Republic that was made in secret
  • racial designs

To be fair, that underlying Palpatine storyline is good. The problem was just about everything else.

EDIT: Oh god, that awful C-3PO head swap with a battle droid sequence just came back to me... I'll be back later, I need to go find some bleach to drink.

It reminds me that prior to episode 9, me and some friends decided to rewatch all the movies. For the prequels, we decided to try to focus on the positive. We had to find at least 5 things that we liked about each movie and discuss after watching it.

Let’s just say that there was not a lot of discussion after watching Episode 2... pretty much revolved around world building and that’s pretty much it.

On 1/30/2020 at 5:52 AM, Jo Jo said:

Does anybody actually like ROS? Where they rank it at least in their top 3 Star Wars movies, or even top 5?

My wife and daughter do (daughter is 9). I haven't seen it yet, I'm waiting for the dvd.

On 2/8/2020 at 1:47 PM, Hiemfire said:

My wife and daughter do (daughter is 9). I haven't seen it yet, I'm waiting for the dvd.

That’s on April 30.

On 2/14/2020 at 5:59 PM, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

That’s on April 30.


That maybe a Europe release date @Hiemfire

Could be March 31 in North America


14 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:


That maybe a Europe release date @Hiemfire

Could be March 31 in North America


Amazon is hit and miss on release dates. I'll keep my eyes open though. Thanks. :D

On 2/8/2020 at 3:47 PM, Hiemfire said:


Do DVDs still exist?

Official dates

20 hours ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Official dates

The video is down.

On 2/19/2020 at 5:18 AM, Odanan said:

Do DVDs still exist?

I have a box somewhere with a bunch of DVDs/Blurays piled up. I think Mad Max: Fury Road was the last physical copy of a movie I have purchased.

On 2/20/2020 at 6:17 AM, Odanan said:

The video is down.

I'd bet you wish you had a permanent copy of some type.

On 2/7/2020 at 1:11 PM, Odanan said:

I tried the introduce my 7 years old son to Star Wars with Ep. I, but the film was so awkward, ponderous, uninteresting. We couldn't manage to finish it (which was sad, because the only remarkable scene is in the final showdown).

If Lucas wanted to make the Prequels a gateway to Star Wars, he failed.

Watched it with my 7 year old daughter. She loved it and TF droids are her favourite aspect of all the movies.

So by your logic I should say that Lucas succeeded!

Edited by Larky Bobble
17 minutes ago, Larky Bobble said:

Watched it with my 7 year old daughter. She loved it and TF droids are her favourite aspect of all the movies.

So by your logic I should say that Lucas succeeded!

Good for you!

This defines TRoS:
