The Rise of Skywalker Criticism Thread *SPOILERS*

By Odanan, in X-Wing Off-Topic

9 hours ago, Wraithdt said:

Major entertainment news sites are reporting on it so it seems to be legit.

SO MUCH BETTER than what we got.

One more good review of an awful movie.

4 hours ago, Odanan said:

SO MUCH BETTER than what we got.

It sounds like it would actually make it a trilogy. The space battle sounds awesome. Instead of some ridiculous spectacle of a bazillion Star Destroyers that don't really do anything, we get the resistance stealing a Star Destroyer and attacking Coruscant. That would have been a dramatic space battle. Shame. A **** shame.

3 hours ago, Odanan said:

One more good review of an awful movie.

The comments are hilarious!


“Palpatine, how are you alive?”

A good question, for another time


You died!

Palpatine: I got better.

Edited by Odanan
3 hours ago, Jo Jo said:

It sounds like it would actually make it a trilogy.

Why did the sequels have to be a trilogy?

3 hours ago, Frimmel said:

Why did the sequels have to be a trilogy?

Why did the sequels have to be filmed?

Anyway, if you don't have time to watch the whole 1+ hour video, here are the highlights:

And yes, I'm now completely devoted into bashing the sequel trilogy.

37 minutes ago, Odanan said:

And yes, I'm now completely devoted into bashing the sequel trilogy.

Why? You could also just... not, and let the people enjoy it who do. Their enjoyment doesn't take anything from you. We have one Gecko here already.


7 minutes ago, GreenDragoon said:

Why? You could also just... not, and let the people enjoy it who do. Their enjoyment doesn't take anything from you. We have one Gecko here already.

I think this is a slightly apples and oranges scenario. Gecko, among others, declares their hate for the sequels in almost every thread even peripherally related to them. Odanan has, for the most part, kept their venting centered in this thread that they created for that express purpose.

Edited by Hiemfire

If you are confident enough in yourself and your opinion, there's no worrying about whether others bash something or get off on a constant rant about it. That's what entertains them, so be it.

The reverse is true too, if you don't like something and a bunch of other people do, if you really aren't insecure about your own opinion, it won't bother you.

All of whether you like something or not may be based in things that you point to in a movie, but in the end, its perspective, and you're not more right or wrong for liking something or not :)

4 minutes ago, Hiemfire said:

I think this is a slightly apples and oranges scenario. Gecko, among others, declares their hate for the sequels in almost every thread even peripherally related to them. Odanan has, for the most part, kept their venting centered in this thread that they created for that express purpose.

Haha yes, fair point. I guess I had a different understanding of "completely devoted" than you then

I was really hoping for a post-credits scene of a couple FO stormtroopers showing up at Shell Cottage to inform Fleur of her husband's death in the line of duty.

17 hours ago, Odanan said:

SO MUCH BETTER than what we got.

There’s a number of great ideas in it that I wish were in TRoS and it probably would’ve have made for a better movie, however if they went with this script as is it would’ve ended the Skywalker Saga in a way that disrespected the legacy of the previous movies.

TRoS maybe a sloppy movie but its themes are consistent with the previous 2 trilogies, and I’m saying that as someone who enjoyed The Last Jedi.

Edited by Wraithdt
4 hours ago, GreenDragoon said:

Why? You could also just... not, and let the people enjoy it who do.

Because it's really bad and Disney has a monopoly on Star Wars. They need to realize what they did wrong so THEY DON'T do it again.

Edited by Odanan
2 hours ago, Wraithdt said:

There’s a number of great ideas in it that I wish were in TRoS and it probably would’ve have made for a better movie, however if they went with this script as is it would’ve ended the Skywalker Saga in a way that disrespected the legacy of the previous movies.

TRoS maybe a sloppy movie but it themes are consistent with the previous 2 trilogies. I’m saying that as someone who enjoyed The Last Jedi.

You kidding right?

The TROS is a declaration of hate towards the Star Wars IP.

4 hours ago, KelRiever said:

All of whether you like something or not may be based in things that you point to in a movie, but in the end, its perspective, and you're not more right or wrong for liking something or not :)

What you are saying is: it's impossible to objectively qualify a piece of art.

In my humble opinion, it is. Actually, there are people whose field of study and work is exactly to do that.

22 minutes ago, Odanan said:

You kidding right?

The TROS is a declaration of hate towards the Star Wars IP.

I’m not. Happy to elaborate why but if not we can always agree to disagree.

20 minutes ago, Wraithdt said:

I’m not. Happy to elaborate why but if not we can always agree to disagree.



Yeah, reading over the bullet points of the leaked script, there were a few good things, like the callback to the prequels with the action taking place on Coruscant and signal being sent from the Jedi Temple, this time for good reasons, but the rest of it I was kind of meh on.

Edited by kris40k
1 hour ago, Odanan said:

What you are saying is: it's impossible to objectively qualify a piece of art.

In my humble opinion, it is. Actually, there are people whose field of study and work is exactly to do that.

It doesn't really matter as those people have had little to no impact outside of their scholarly pursuits to the reception of art in the world. There could be a use for such study, but that use is limited, hopefully to attempting to make better films.

In other words, sure, it's nice to try to quantify things and the pursuit of that is noble. It's also subjective outside of a circle of agreement, potentially flawed, and always subject to change.

Art is in the eye of the beholder, and that won't change, ever.

I'd hesitate to go down this path as a true Star Wars fan. Critics never liked Star Wars and it was always the fans who carried it's popularity through, going back to the very first ever Star Wars movie. Hard 'professional' criticism has never been a fan of the 'space western' and the impact on all of us :)

Edited by KelRiever
23 hours ago, Frimmel said:

Why did the sequels have to be a trilogy?

They didn't, but we would probably complain about them not being a trilogy. Really, they packed so much s**t into ROS that it should have been given the Harry Potter treatment and had a Pt. 1 and 2.

Edited by Jo Jo
21 hours ago, Odanan said:

And yes, I'm now completely devoted into bashing the sequel trilogy.

To paraphase The Streets:

Dry your eyes mate, I know it's hard to take but Disney went and goofed up. There's plenty of films out there to see.
Dry your eyes mate, I know you want them to see how much this waste hurts, but it's time to walk away now, it's over.

It's pretty shocking how badly the ball was dropped with the SY, especially when you consider what an unmitigated success story Disney have on their hands with the MCU.

"Those films were our last hope."

"No.. there is another ."

3 hours ago, FTS Gecko said:

especially when you consider what an unmitigated success story Disney have on their hands with the MCU.

Is it shocking though? This comparison is constantly made and nobody ever points out the hugely important difference: Star Wars is original work, MCU is an adaptation.

Compare GoT where it was adapted vs original. One is clearly easier, and that makes the comparison rather stupid.

Unmitigated, as in absolute, success may be a bit strong description for the MCU. I know plenty of people that disliked movies such as Hulk , Thor 2 or Captain Marvel . I personally thought Iron Man 3 was a bit of a miss. But certainly for the most part the movies have been very well accepted ignoring the occasional hipster navel gazing about the comic book movie formula.

They did have a group of people that were guiding the stories to a conclusion, though, which is I think, a widely agreed upon important missing factor in the SW Sequel Trilogy.

The MCU is an adaptation of the comics, but not a direct adaptation of the material with significant differences. As well, there was plenty of source material that could have been adapted for use in Star Wars, no matter what Kennedy thought.

Edited by kris40k
15 minutes ago, kris40k said:

The MCU is an adaptation of the comics, but not a direct adaptation of the material with significant differences

But those differences don't matter . The characters are the same, the large story beats are the same. Like, it doesn't actually matter if Tony has his arc reactor removed from his body or not, not in any larger sense.

Think of an MCU movie that is set 40 years after endgame, with entirely new characters that never showed up in any comic. How well would that be received?

19 minutes ago, kris40k said:

As well, there was plenty of source material that could have been adapted for use in Star Wars, no matter what Kennedy thought.

These differences matter a lot. There was not a widely accepted and loved story arc that could be adopted, and the Yuzhan vong were horrible story telling. There was not A thing to adapt as there was with the civil war or Thanos. They did take some ideas from legends. But again, none of them mattered in a large sense.

1 hour ago, GreenDragoon said:

But those differences don't matter . The characters are the same, the large story beats are the same. Like, it doesn't actually matter if Tony has his arc reactor removed from his body or not, not in any larger sense.

Think of an MCU movie that is set 40 years after endgame, with entirely new characters that never showed up in any comic. How well would that be received?

These differences matter a lot. There was not a widely accepted and loved story arc that could be adopted, and the Yuzhan vong were horrible story telling. There was not A thing to adapt as there was with the civil war or Thanos. They did take some ideas from legends. But again, none of them mattered in a large sense.

Hmmm... I'll agree that the sheer massive amount of material that the MCU team has to draw from allows them to cherry pick much better stories from (and discard the rest), with Marvel Comics cranking out material every month for the better part of the last century compared to a few decades of Star Wars novels and other media.

Disney already cherry picked some of the better stuff from the EU, which why we still have the beloved Mitth'raw'nuruodo appear in Rebels , Beskar being a plot point in the Mandalorian , and RoS was obviously riffing off of the Dark Empire storyline.