plo koon clarification

By XcowboytyroneX, in Star Wars: Destiny

does plo koon get to add villan cards when paired with an enfyst nest marauder ?

That is an excellent and interesting question. I'm curious to see the response.

i would say no. see rules page 12. "Each deck building ability is applied separately. For example, a player’s team with Enfys Nest and 2 Enfys Nest’s Mauraders can include 4 hero cards and 4 villain cards in their deck. If that player also included the plot Double Down, they could not use it to include any additional copies of hero or villain cards since its ability is applied separately."

This was ruled by Gandork a ways back. IIRC, his argument was that plo's ability doesn't check the other characters till their on the field or something to that effect. Don't quote me on that that.

The cards for him to copy have to be in play, Enfyst Nest only goes into play when it is taken out of the "out of play zone" and put in "the play zone".
