Thrawn 2 Ship

By Thrawn07, in Star Wars: Armada Fleet Builds

Name: Grand Avenger Thrawn
Faction: Imperial
Commander: Grand Admiral Thrawn


ISD Kuat Refit (112)
• Grand Admiral Thrawn (32)
• Governor Pryce (7)
• Ordnance Experts (4)
• Hardend Bulkheads (5)
• Electronic Countermeasures (7)
• Heavy Ion Emplacements (9)
• Expanded Launchers (13)
• Avenger (5)
= 194 Points

Gozanti Cruisers (23)
• Commander Woldar (4)
• Comms Net (2)
• Expanded Hangar Bay (5)
• Vector (2)
= 36 Points

Victory II (85)
• Captain Brunson (5)
• Gunnery Team (7)
• Disposable Capacitors (3)
• Quad Battery Turrets (5)
• Overload Pulse (8)
• Harrow (3)
• Engine Techs (8)
= 124 Points

• 3 x TIE Advanced Squadron (36)
= 36 Points

Total Points: 390

Thinking about trying this at some point. Suggestions on objectives and\or changes?

First off, hello and welcome to the forums. 🙂 A matter of terminology, as this is not 2-Ship:

2-Ship refers to an archetype with an ISD, a Quasar (almost always Squall,) Pryce and high or maxed squadrons. Typically, on the Pryce round four squadrons strike and the ISD moves into position. The following round, the ISD activates again, throws the squads again, shoots, and leaves.

On to the list. It’s important to have some dice control, but Leading Shots and a boarding party will probably help you more than Ordnance Experts (as things stand the Kuat only has a 44% chance of triggering Heavy Ion Emplacements, and the control over reds is nice too.) Boarding Troopers and Avenger directly shut down the target’s brace for a round, even ignoring ECM. Or Vader breaks important upgrades they’ll miss, like rerolls, Intel Officer, crit effects, etc. Losing Hardened Bulkheads isn’t too heavy a price.

Overload Pulse + Avenger is a difficult combo to set up that telegraphs movement and order of activations, and only three activations total makes it harder. I’d think about running Heavy Ions on the VSD, which is more likely to get the crit. Then you can put Assault Concussion Missiles on the Kuat to punish those now-shieldless targets, and Darth Vader to deal with the Damage Control Officers SSDs love to bring. Woldar, Vector, and Expanded Hangar Bay are overkill; it’s reasonable to sneak a squadron dial or two in for the VSD, thanks to Thrawn. Against a dedicated squad force, the Advanced are going to melt anyway. I would think about swapping them and some of the points saved for an Arquitens, Raider or second flotilla, personally.

For objectives: Most Wanted is great with the flotilla. Just make sure to pick something you can kill. Surprise Attack is also solid. Contested Outpost or Hyperspace Assault work well with the VSD (which can jump in with the latter and easily fork multiple targets.) Hyperspace Migration is great, Solar Corona is respectable, Dangerous Territory is pretty vanilla and safe.

Good luck!