Adepticon Team Event error?

By gcanders, in Organized Play

So the team event on Sunday says each player brings 800 points for 1 round of Legion and to follow the rules in the rrg. The rrg says that each team member brings 600 points. Also, the “one round” thing is confusing. Is it one game round or one tournament round? I looked at a similar event happening at LVO, but that one is 400 points. Deeply confused.

I don't think this is going to be a real event. It seems to be a throw in after the fact.

It smells real enough.

On 12/16/2019 at 4:48 PM, gcanders said:

It smells real enough.

The event is obviously happening, but it is does not appear to be a tournament of sorts. It seems like some narrative type of event. I'm still going to play in it because I'd rather do anything other than 40K/AoS outside of the Long Wars Doubles.

It should just be a single tournament round. That's what they did at gen con. There was a prize for showing up, and another for winning your game, and that's it.