In the final scene of The Haunted City (the Terrinoth adventure provided by FFG in Player Resources on the Genesys web page..), Mavaris Skain is conducting a ritual (described in the sidebar on page 16 of the adventure). The ritual continues as long as Skain remains engaged with the dais and performs an action each round to conduct the ceremony. As one example, let's say Skain wants to cast his Wall of Bones spell (a barrier spell). Would taking the action of casting Wall of Bones constitute an interruption of the ritual? I'm not clear on exactly how the casting of this (or any) spell would interact with the notion of the ritual being "interrupted" (since it requires an action of the part of Skain to keep the ritual ongoing..).
It seems like Skain could use his first action in a combat encounter to cast Wall of Bones or any other spell. But I don't know if doing this immediately would be considered an interruption. (That is, when the PC's first encounter Skain, is the ritual considered to already be underway, and then any deviation from the ritual interrupts it? Or is it just getting started when the PC's come onto the scene?) The Wall of Bones spell can be maintained with a Concentration maneuver. So it seems to me that Skain could initially cast Wall of Bones, and then on his second turn use his action to conduct the ritual, and use a maneuver to concentrate and maintain the Wall of Bones spell. But in that sequence it seems like the ritual would thereby get pushed back one round before being completed.
This may sound like overthinking it, but as the GM, I'm expecting to have to answer these sorts of questions. If anyone reading this has experience with this encounter, I'd be very appreciative of hearing your insights! Thank you in advance!