Hey team, looking for some advice/inspiration for planning a one shot adventure to take place in a 4-5 hour span.
My friends and I have a tradition to go to the new Star Wars movies together then play Star Wars board games afterwards. We typically play Rebellion/Legion/imperial assault but the group wants to play the RPG this time.
Half of the group has played through the starter box, the other half is coming in new. None have a big rpg background. I will be the GM.
Currently I own the Force and Destiny core rule book so that is the theme I was thinking of running the one shot under, however the group has expressed more interest in the Rebellion/War side of it. I was thinking then force sensitives sent on a mission by the rebellion.
Just wondering if anyone can give some advice on how to plan these one shots or point me to some examples.
Between my legion and ia stuff I pretty much have any model we could want and can create any setting.. is it better for one shots to just focus on a specific planet/mission? Create choices for the players? Pre make characters or give options?
Im very new myself here so any information is appreciated. There will be 3-4 players and myself. Thank you.
Edited by FrogTrigger