So I pulled my First order out of mothballs today for a local holiday tournament. Another local player had bashed the F/O saying TIE’s were just filler and not able to win games. Recently I’ve been playing Sloane a lot. So Phasma while not as brutal or expensive does enough to be similar in helping control things and forcing choices to go after her Shuttle or deal with a gaggle if F/O TIEs.
TIE/fo Fighter - Epsilon Squadron Cadet - 26
Epsilon Squadron Cadet - (26)
-class Shuttle - •Petty Officer Thanisson - 69
•Petty Officer Thanisson -
Alert Flight Controller
Tractor Beam (2)
•Captain Phasma (5)
TIE/fo Fighter - Epsilon Squadron Cadet - 26
Epsilon Squadron Cadet - (26)
TIE/fo Fighter - Epsilon Squadron Cadet - 26
Epsilon Squadron Cadet - (26)
TIE/fo Fighter - Epsilon Squadron Cadet - 26
Epsilon Squadron Cadet - (26)
TIE/fo Fighter - Epsilon Squadron Cadet - 26
Epsilon Squadron Cadet - (26)
Total: 199/200
View in the X-Wing Squad Builder
The list was successful and the Shuttle acted like a fullback driving in hard and forcing stress and blocks. In any given match I think I lost no more than 2 TIEs and Thanisson/Phasma never took more than their shields off. While not earth shattering or even super oppressive it was at least to some degree effective. Certainly enough to win matches.
The cost of the Upsilon Shuttle certainly makes it less desirable especially with no rear arc like the lambda. So even electing to use one is a big undertaking for F/O players.
I think the other thing at least at first glance is a lack of Unique crew units to really make the F/O effective. Phasma works but limited to R0-1 meaning keeping something in front and continue to threaten to keep stress and pressure on is tough.
I’ve looked at Hux but cost to benefit at least on the surface seems limiting far more than can be effectively leveraged round over round.
Snoke is also in a similar box. He seems better for just a 2 force upgrade than getting big continual use/benefit from his ability.
Thanisson as a crew suffers from limited range compared to her ship and also a self stress. The punishment could be severe but seems to be outweighed more so by the penalty depending on when and how you are trying to it.
Kylo Ren, just seems to be far more effective as a Silencer Pilot compared to his crew for the ability vs return.
For those having used F/O more frequently had better success? Tavison has proven his ability but even there it’s usually bare or lightly equipped, and you hear nothing of F/O crew. Is it the options they are lacking or is the carrier for them the bigger obstacle (pun intended). Non of the crew seem as if the pricing on them is bad in fact most are about what you might expect.
What’s everyone else’s thoughts?