Hi guys,
I finally decided to set up this place for my Armada repaints. X-Wing and Armada not only brought me into miniature gaming, but also made me dive back into model building and painting. After some practice and try-and-error (on and off over the last two years) I'm more and more happy with the results. By the way, thank you all for your tutorials, guides and tips. This helped me so much!
Taking good pics has been a bit of a challenge. I'm still figuring out my new photo setup, which is still very amateurish, but at least is much brighter than taking photos on my office desk :).
I started playing Armada in 2017 mostly with Imperials because I already focused on Rebels in X-Wing. But our local Armada community is rather small (mostly 2, sometimes 4 players), and there already where 2 other Imperials and only one Rebel player with little spare time. So I switched sides after some months and joined the alliance. During my time serving the Emperor I decided that I really needed to make those Imperial Fighters more pretty, so i dived into painting tiny Amada Squadrons (also, Imperial squadrons are rather easy as a beginner projects - uniform colors, easy ship geometry!).
Lets start with these squadrons! (I just now noticed that some are rather dusty...)
Good old plain TIE Fighter, followed by Howlrunner and Mauler Mithel:
TIE Interceptors - always fast, sometimes furious! Followed by Fel Soontir himself (yes, those lines are a bit wobbly, things improved a lot on later squads :)) .
TIE Phantoms. Never really used them, but the model is really neat.
Tie Defender prototype! I always loved that color scheme!
Tie Advanced, always a willing escort. I still need to finish my Darth Vader squad - one TIE Advanced escorted by two TIE Fighers, ANH style...
And finally, Major Rhymer:
Edited by TheWampa