Hello all!
I would like to ask help for balance this hero i made.
The main concept was a hero who use the dark side and still fit in the rebel mission.
The concept was ready before the Fallen Order and i am proud of it
A survivor Nightsister was an obvious choice.
"The enemy of my enemy is my ally. At least for now and i shiver every time she goes with us on a mission." (Jyn Odan)
So here it is what i came up with (after several feedbacks and help):
Miniature (not yet printed):
I need help of the community to balance her and obvious i would like to ask @a1bert as well to help where my wording is sloppy if you have time.
Edit: Thank you @a1bert , @Tvboy , @Spidey NZ and @ricope for the high quality feedbacks
1 more thing i must mention.
@Norgrath Nightsister Huntress idea has a major influence on this hereo
Edited by Ace_of_Spades