Orokos is back up! (for real this time)

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

Orokos is now back up! Don't know what changed, but I was testing it again and it came back up.

Did some more testing, looks like you have to click on Main Index and then click Dice Roller up on the banner.

42 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Did some more testing, looks like you have to click on Main Index and then click Dice Roller up on the banner.

Still not working on my phone.

<_< I wonder what happened...

Well, at least I can use it.

And now I can't anymore. Great...

Now it's working: : 1eP+1eA+1eB+1eF+1eC+1eD+1eS 1 threat, 1 Triumph, 2 Light Side
p-tr.png a-a-a.png b-s.png f-ls-ls.png c-th-th.png d-f-th.png s-f.png

Hmm.. Anyone else having trouble?


Oh no, now what. I'm getting a 500 error. Back to https://dice.skyjedi.com/ ?

33 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:


Oh no, now what. I'm getting a 500 error. Back to https://dice.skyjedi.com/ ?

That’ll work.