Rumor levels and difficulty

By Big Remy, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

My players went in to do the Twins Rumor our last session. It was the first time any of them had played it, I had at least read it and knew that it was a godawful mess of a level.

A wholesale slaughter ensued, I killed one of the boys the second they killed the leader, and basically gained like 30CT before they could even blink. Much nerd rage occurred, mainly because all information vital to actually completing the rumor is hidden from the heroes until the worst possible time. We're going to either replay it, or just rewind and I'm going to let them swap out a different rumor just for the hell of it.

Question is this: are there any other rumors, for both RtL and SoB (including the ToI) ones that are on the same level of The Twins so that if they pull it I can tell them? I seem to remember the rest aren't nearly as unbalanced as The Twins.

I do realize it can be beaten, but most accounts I've seen of it being beaten involved the OL telling the heroes the trick or the heroes knowing in advance from having played the level before.

The "Down a hole" RtL rumor is the level that gave me the most trouble of any I've played (even compared to trial by fire). It contains every trap in book, up to and including a rolling bolder, and also gives you a dude at an inconvinient time that you have to protect.

I've also heard that the ToI rumor that gives Ironskin is incredibly brutal, but I've never played it myself.