2019 Christmas Upick (mafia)

By PodRacer, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

8 minutes ago, EbonHawk said:

so black and white

It is black and white. Either Forty is shown to be scum and the game ends right then, or Mads is shown to be a liar, or technically, neither of those things happens and I accept that I’ve been had.

2 hours ago, EbonHawk said:

town cred

just isn’t a factor here anymore. If it were, and if hammering scum mattered, I hammered Bertie already. This is about gaining mod-given information.

@GhostofNobodyInParticular Here are the N3 and N4 tidbits I got; they seem useless, but not as useless as N5, where I just saw a “shadow” leaving Caldias’ quarters.

On 1/3/2020 at 1:41 PM, The Jabbawookie said:

Sorry, just woke up. My input:


I can confirm Mads did a night action round three, and Forty did one night four.

Right now I’m leaning slightly towards trusting Biggs, and considering this Plagueis role to be some kind of vampire maker. I distrust resurrected town because there’s a reason it doesn’t happen much.

This is true, at least.

What exactly happened when you died?

6 minutes ago, FortyInRed said:

@BiggsIRL The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.

2 minutes ago, FortyInRed said:

Join me @BiggsIRL and we will win right now.

I’m feeling better about my choices.

2 minutes ago, Madaghmire said:

I’m feeling better about my choices.


@GhostofNobodyInParticular we need you to vote now please.

7 minutes ago, FortyInRed said:

Join me @BiggsIRL and we will win right now.


##vote FortyInRed

Forty is L-1?

@PodRacer can we get a vote count, please?

21 hours ago, BiggsIRL said:

Okay so I am still in the game. Cool!

I WAS a Town-Alligned Invisible Man, until I decloaked, but now, like Lord Preyor, I am a survivor with my other two win conditions met:

- Kill Lord Preyor

- Kill Bertie

So... uh... don't kill me.

I do have a single shot redemption like Preyor did, but.. rather keep that for me.

Scum, if there are two of you, go ahead and claim now. I can vote with you as a block and when you get the night kill on someone (else) we win.

Pretty sure that is hammer.

11 minutes ago, FortyInRed said:


I’m pretty sure its not hammer.

3 minutes ago, Madaghmire said:

I’m pretty sure its not hammer.

That was my understanding. I'm not trying to be a jerk who posts after hammer.

2 minutes ago, Madaghmire said:

I’m pretty sure its not hammer.

Me, you, @EbonHawk and our Knight in Shining Orange Flightsuit @BiggsIRL makes four.

So we need one more.


Jabba (1) forty

Forty (4) mad, jabba, ebon, Biggs

Sorry guys, busy couple of days, finally home now and catching up!

@BiggsIRL only I can help you save padme

Btw, the fact that its taking five should corroborate what I’ve been saying

18 minutes ago, Madaghmire said:

Btw, the fact that its taking five should corroborate what I’ve been saying

Definitely, there are a lot of things corroborating you right now.

Forty: look at the evidence showing I'm town.

Town: yeah IDK

Forty: let me throw in some Palpatine memes


11 minutes ago, FortyInRed said:

Forty: look at the evidence showing I'm town.

Town: yeah IDK

Forty: let me throw in some Palpatine memes



That's it, time.
