2019 Christmas Upick (mafia)

By PodRacer, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

9 minutes ago, Madaghmire said:

I dont have any kind of strong linked anything. I give the people I hide behind the loved modifier, and I get it in turn.

Again, see the edits on Ovi’s flip.

Alright. It's possible Pod edited the role.

So Forty should have the loved modifier. So we kill him.

He's then flipped. If he's loved, you're telling the truth and I should hang.

If he's not loved, you've lied and should hang.

Boom. Three suspicious parties, and we can test all three.

5 minutes ago, The Jabbawookie said:

So Forty should have the loved modifier. So we kill him.

He's then flipped. If he's loved, you're telling the truth and I should hang.

If he's not loved, you've lied and should hang

Just for the record, I'm not cool with dying so that one of y'all can be right.

1 minute ago, FortyInRed said:

Just for the record, I'm not cool with dying so that one of y'all can be right.

If you're town you should be.

Just now, The Jabbawookie said:

If you're town you should be.

Talk about dying for the cause...

How about we hang you instead? Surely we can glean useful info from that in much the same way you can get useful info from me dying?

1 minute ago, FortyInRed said:

Talk about dying for the cause...

How about we hang you instead? Surely we can glean useful info from that in much the same way you can get useful info from me dying?

I haven't been loved by Mads (as we can all see. 😉 )

In all seriousness, you're both a suspect and linked by the game mechanics to another suspect. That's ideal.

@Madaghmire , I know you're there. Would love to get your thoughts on this.

jabba vs forty feels like 2 scum fighting for the town cred of killing the other

1 minute ago, EbonHawk said:

jabba vs forty feels like 2 scum fighting for the town cred of killing the other

Biggs literally offered scum the game if there were two of them.

Just now, The Jabbawookie said:

Biggs literally offered scum the game if there were two of them.

biggs has two votes on you if he wants to gamble, at the moment I'm not moving happy to watch this all play out

Just now, EbonHawk said:

biggs has two votes on you if he wants to gamble, at the moment I'm not moving happy to watch this all play out

He wouldn’t have to gamble if there were two scum.

What is this even supposed to mean?

38 minutes ago, The Jabbawookie said:

@Madaghmire , I know you're there. Would love to get your thoughts on this.

What thoughts? I voted forty. If he comes back unloved im going to be very confused, but I imagine I’ll also hang. C’est la vie.

I looked over the game again and Cal said he’s 99% sure the dude is scum, presumably based off of some **** he saw in the hereafter. My concern tho, is that he’s not a recruiter and Cal misinterpreted this, and I’m letting mechanical **** get in the way of my own read, and giving you an extra day to murder.

I’d also love for Biggs to redeem one of our fallen townies as a show of good faith tho.

Well, I'm confident that Forty will either come back unloved town or loved scum.

##vote @FortyInRed

I will point out that Pod did NOT edit ovi's reveal post. He was called 'a well loved character' in Day 3's Start of Day Post:

On 12/29/2019 at 4:42 PM, PodRacer said:

Ovi was a well loved character, town vows to avenge their fallen comrade.

Day three begins and will end at 2230 gmt New years eve.

Which also wasn't edited, and could very well mean nothing.

N1 Actions: Caldias Bused Mad and Matt, Mad hid behind ovi, Bertie RBs Cal?, ovi, the killer, and I visit Matt, Forty does nothing. Jabba saw a Santa figure leave Matt.

N2 Actions: Caldias Bused Me and Jabba, Mad hid behind Cal [UNVERIFIED], Bertie RBs ??, I visit Cal, Forty RBs Bertie. Jabba is attacked. NO NIGHT KILL

N3 Actions: Caldias Bused Forty and Mad, Mad hid behind Ebon, Forty does nothing. Jabba saw nothing? NO NIGHT KILL

N4 Actions: Caldias Bused Forty and Mad, Mad did nothing? , Forty does nothing. Cal Dies. Jabba saw nothing?

N5 Actions: Caldias Bused Forty and himself, Mad hid behind Forty -> himself, Forty does nothing. Cal Dies. Jabba saw nothing?

@FortyInRed - have you really done nothing 3 nights in row?

@Madaghmire who'd you hide behind N4?

@The Jabbawookie for the third time: What did you see?

The stuff in bold are important. Mad's inactivity is puzzling, but N2 was crazy.

If I am reading it right, we have a lot of issues. Both Madaghmire and Caldias have actions that seem not to have gone through - Cal was not loved, implying Mad was blocked (we are assuming, for now, that everybody is telling the truth), and yet Forty blocked Bertie, the only scum roleblocker we know of. At the same time, Cal and I couldn't figure out who would waste a night target on Jabba if he was RBed, or on me, if he wasn't, especially when there was a self-proclaimed busdriver in play. Again, the only person who could have RBed him, that we know of, is Bertie, who was himself RBed AND who may have been targeting Mad.

So here is my issue: We know Cal did as he said, he bussed me and Jabba. We do NOT know if Forty blocked Bertie, Bertie blocked Cal or Mad, or even if Jabba was attacked, let alone targeted.

We do, however, know that no night kill took place. This is significant. With our doc having died the previous day, the only way this could have happened is if Mad was the target and hid, or if Forty did indeed roleblock Bertie.

We can compare these events to N3, when there also was no night kill. Forty did nothing, so we can discount the RB option, leaving ONLY the option that Mad was attacked, and hid. Given Cal's actions, we can assume that Forty was targeted, but that Mad was actually attacked.

Thus, when looking at the events of nights 2 & 3, we can surmise that Mad is not lying about hiding, at least, as that is the only action consistent between both nights that could have stopped a kill. That is not to say that I think Mad was targeted N2, just that if he prevented a kill N3 by hiding, he had the ability to hide N2. It also indicated that Forty is not mafia, he is either town or 3rd party.

So we know Mad CAN hide. We do not know if there is any evidence left on the being he hid behind (the lover keyword).

The data laid out above indicates that both Forty and Jabba have unverifiable stories. We do not know whether Forty successfully blocked Bertie, and we have no evidence to suggest that Jabba was targeted, because we can't know whether Cal was blocked, and thus the attack in no way clears him from being scum.

I think, therefore, that either Forty or Jabba are good lynch votes today (surprise, surprise).

Jabba is the better candidate based on evidence gleaned from his play, because the only things he claims to have seen were a Santa figure and an attack upon himself, the first of which was hinted at by the coal and note, the latter of which is unverifiable. He has steadfastly refused to answer for what he has seen these past few nights, which seems very shady. Thus, if I were going only by this evidence, I would hammer Jabba now.
However, Cal has explicitly told me that he saw Forty visit Ebon, and that Ebon was recruited ( @PodRacer am I allowed to quote him word for word? Not copy-paste, with the font color or whatever, just the words?), which is pretty convicting. I would vote for Forty for this reason (or Ebon, really, but Forty is more dangerous). Note also that for all that Ebon claims to be ambivalent between Forty or Jabba, he voted Jabba almost immediately, and hasn't changed it, despite, for example, this post:

3 hours ago, EbonHawk said:

I agree here following Cal on forty, but also agree if forty is scum it;s pretty harsh luck for him

which indicated an agreement that Forty is probably scum, that it is bad luck for him to be caught out now, but takes no action whatsoever to act on it (i.e. vote).

Additionally (but not unexpectedly) Forty and Ebon are both voting for Jabba, currently the only two to be doing so.

There is also the note that for all that Mad has been confirmed as hider, he has NOT been confirmed as town. I do not know whether the stratagem Jabba suggested (gaining the strong keyword) is possible, as it means that Mad would have had to hide behind Bertie, Bertie would have gained the strong keyword immediately, and then used it to kill Matt. I think it more likely that the lasers Bertie could shoot were a native part of the role.

The vote count is:

@FortyInRed - (2) Madaghmire, Jabba, L-2
@The Jabbawookie - (2) Ebon, Forty, L-2

If our assumptions about Forty are correct, he and Ebon will vote together.

@BiggsIRL you and I are the only two who haven't voted, and it is up to us to decide whom to lynch. What do you think?

We only have 2.5 hours left, right? I'll vote for Forty in about 1.5 hours then, if no further developments occur.

On 12/26/2019 at 9:55 PM, PodRacer said:

The players are woken from their festive slumber by the sounds of a single blaster bolt followed by a loud explosion.

@Matt3412 fails to check in.

Opening the door to his quarters a thick smoke bellows out the room choking those who try to enter.

As the smoke clears it becomes evident that Matt was the target of a ruthless hunter killer droid sent to execute him, with a charge designed to overwhelm Matt's armour.

Amongst the charred remains of his quarters, an invitation to join the local neighborhood watch, as well as a piece of coal with a small bow, and a festive tag reading 'ho ho ho'.

Matt was a bulletproof medic.

Day two begins and will end at 22.00 gmt on the 28th

@FortyInRed @Caldias @GhostofNobodyInParticular

@The Jabbawookie Jabbawookie @Bertie Wooster @EbonHawk

@ovinomanc3r @Madaghmire

8 alive 5 to lynch.

On 12/28/2019 at 5:45 PM, PodRacer said:


Ovi (6) ebon, anon, forty , anon ,Bertie ,jabba(hammer)

Ebon (2) Gnip, ovi

Sorry this was the edit I’m talking about. The original had Ovi dying at five votes, I caught that and Pod edited it to fit. There were enough votes either way, but I felt it was important that there be a record of it taking six votes, for like...now. If you follow the second post, you’ll see it was indeed edited.

N4 I hid behind Cal again, but since he didn’t survive the night neither of us got the added loved modifier.

Although mine should be pretty high now. If you guys wanna test me take me to whatever the minimum hammer is. Or Forty. Either way, it shouldn’t kill us.

2 hours ago, The Jabbawookie said:

He wouldn’t have to gamble if there were two scum.

What is this even supposed to mean?

so black and white

as said I'm down with forty or jabba, have been the last few days.


##vote @FortyInRed

sorry forty but following my town reads

I'd be more inclined to think forty just from voting.

Oh hey, I've got the hammer?

Gonna wait until I get off work in like 30 minutes. Mad can hammer if he wants.

@BiggsIRL The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.

6 minutes ago, BiggsIRL said:

Gonna wait until I get off work in like 30 minutes. Mad can hammer if he wants.

I already voted

Join me @BiggsIRL and we will win right now.