2019 Christmas Upick (mafia)

By PodRacer, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

Actually wait, ##unvote

20 minutes ago, Madaghmire said:

I think given Gnips information, its the only reasonable vote. Jabbas reaction strikes me as panicky. While it seems relatively clear he intended to get a vote on me today, I think Gnips sped up his timeline. A good scum strategy I think, given my meta-reputation, I think all of you probably gotta wonder about me any time I’m still breathing late game. So he gets to play off that, creating a binary choice and something of a built in excuse when I flop town, although he must recognize he’d be next.

19 minutes ago, Madaghmire said:

Also, he ignored me when I asked about what he’s seen.

Me too, though he did say he'd be back by 10 EST,which is in under an hour.

I'm going to go ahead and ##vote @The Jabbawookie Jabbawookie as this won't hammer him, but will show we need answers

18 minutes ago, Madaghmire said:

Actually wait, ##unvote

hmm jabba been on my radar since the start.. I'd rather biggs join town than not? no

Ok so, I still 100% believe Jabba is scum. But Cal’s certainty about Forty keeps bothering me. And the idea that we’d already be dead if he was a recruiter I think may be flawed, since if he’d come away empty if he tried to recruit me, got role blocked, or got bus driven onto me/a target he or scum already hit. Also, scum trying to kill him doesn’t verify he’s town, just that scum didn’t get recruited by last night.

So I wonder if the most prudent town move isn’t to take forty first to verify, and then take down Jabba tomorrow. My own read is that Forty is town and we should just kill Jabba, for the reasons I’ve already stated. But Cal isn’t here to push his position, and so I find myself speaker for the dead.

1 hour ago, Madaghmire said:

You surmised correctly. I’m a hiding strengthener. I hid behind ovi n1 and you’ll notice pod edited his death to show that he was loved. I tried to hide behind caldias n2 but he didnt die loved so *shrug*, guessing Bertie blocked me. I’ve also hid behind two other live players I believe to be town.

Who were the other two? There is no point not stating them now.

Ebon and Forty

On which nights?

52 minutes ago, Madaghmire said:

So I wonder if the most prudent town move isn’t to take forty first to verify, and then take down Jabba tomorrow. My own read is that Forty is town and we should just kill Jabba, for the reasons I’ve already stated. But Cal isn’t here to push his position, and so I find myself speaker for the dead.


You can either trust me or not.

I said I got the role I submitted. I described said role. My behavior has been consistent with that role.

Ebon mentioned something about Darth Plagueis, Cal latched onto it, and then LP (who had no out-of-game connection to Cal that we know of yet somehow inherited his knowledge) started accusing me of being Darth Plagueis. What?

And then Cal goes and dies again, so naturally I'm guilty, right? Ugh.

I feel like LP twisted the narrative to suit his conclusion.

Don't do the same. As I said before, the facts are all right there. Though someone is trying very hard to push that, especially with Cal's death.

I'm sure that if you keep looking at this you can convince yourself of anything. Maybe I'm some super boogie man who can role block, kill, recruit, etc. You know that doesn't make sense.

I don't really know how many times I need to be cleared to really convince people.

1 minute ago, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

On which nights?

Five and Three, respectively

1 minute ago, FortyInRed said:


You can either trust me or not.

I said I got the role I submitted. I described said role. My behavior has been consistent with that role.

Ebon mentioned something about Darth Plagueis, Cal latched onto it, and then LP (who had no out-of-game connection to Cal that we know of yet somehow inherited his knowledge) started accusing me of being Darth Plagueis. What?

And then Cal goes and dies again, so naturally I'm guilty, right? Ugh.

I feel like LP twisted the narrative to suit his conclusion.

Don't do the same. As I said before, the facts are all right there. Though someone is trying very hard to push that, especially with Cal's death.

I'm sure that if you keep looking at this you can convince yourself of anything. Maybe I'm some super boogie man who can role block, kill, recruit, etc. You know that doesn't make sense.

I don't really know how many times I need to be cleared to really convince people.

Your actions aren’t what concern me. What concerns me is that Caldias was so sure.

Also Cal’s death doesn’t make you guilty, its just not exoneration. Dude, I get being frustrated if you are town in this situation. And I’m not willing to vote you unless Pod can confirm for me that Cal was still town at the time of his second death, since he didnt give us an alignment on the flip. But if he’s town, and he’s seen an observer doc (per Ghost) how can we not take that seriously?

1 hour ago, Madaghmire said:

Ok so, I still 100% believe Jabba is scum. But Cal’s certainty about Forty keeps bothering me. And the idea that we’d already be dead if he was a recruiter I think may be flawed, since if he’d come away empty if he tried to recruit me, got role blocked, or got bus driven onto me/a target he or scum already hit. Also, scum trying to kill him doesn’t verify he’s town, just that scum didn’t get recruited by last night.

So I wonder if the most prudent town move isn’t to take forty first to verify, and then take down Jabba tomorrow. My own read is that Forty is town and we should just kill Jabba, for the reasons I’ve already stated. But Cal isn’t here to push his position, and so I find myself speaker for the dead.

We are currently split, at best, 4 town, 1 scum, 1 3rd Party. If we lynch Forty and he is town, scum will get a kill in, and we'll be 2/1/1 tomorrow. If he is scum, we are at best 3/2/1, and will still be at 2/1/1 tomorrow. However that assumes he hasn't recruites anybody in 5 nights. By all accounts, he ought to have won by now, with at least one more partner making the split 2/3/1.

4 minutes ago, Madaghmire said:

Also Cal’s death doesn’t make you guilty, its just not exoneration. Dude, I get being frustrated if you are town in this situation. And I’m not willing to vote you unless Pod can confirm for me that Cal was still town at the time of his second death, since he didnt give us an alignment on the flip. But if he’s town, and he’s seen an observer doc (per Ghost) how can we not take that seriously?

@PodRacer could we have Cal's alignment?

He specifically states that there was mention of Forty visiting Ebon, and of his being recruited (almost a word for word quote). I do not know how much to trust him. Remember, Forty revealed Bertie as scum. Or maybe he could only recruit town, so knew he had found scum when he failed?

Finally, I don’t think cals death has anything to do with you, except to further emphasize that Cal had real concerns. From Gnips account, it makes you the real target of the scum kill. Which means you aren’t scum. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t a third party of some kind.

Again, this isn’t my read. This is me looking at a game and seeing what doesn’t add up. And Cal’s suspicions don’t add up.

It could be that he was fed false information in that doc. It could be that he came back as some sort of third party himself. LP was third party, and I didn’t trust him, so I didn’t trust Cal 2.0. But if I could please, for ****s sake, get a mother****ing alignment from the flip?! So I can know how much weight I should be giving his words now?

8 minutes ago, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

We are currently split, at best, 4 town, 1 scum, 1 3rd Party. If we lynch Forty and he is town, scum will get a kill in, and we'll be 2/1/1 tomorrow. If he is scum, we are at best 3/2/1, and will still be at 2/1/1 tomorrow. However that assumes he hasn't recruites anybody in 5 nights. By all accounts, he ought to have won by now, with at least one more partner making the split 2/3/1.

I mean maybe. I have no idea what the capabilities or limitations are of a role I’m not even sure exists. Especially in this game.

Just now, Madaghmire said:

I mean maybe. I have no idea what the capabilities or limitations are of a role I’m not even sure exists. Especially in this game.

Oh trust me it's all-powerful. I see you when you're sleeping. I know when you're awake. I know if you've been bad or good.

And for the love of God I'm kidding. I'm not really Santa

Cal's alignment didn't change from his first flip sorry

Ok. So then we have no reason to believe Cal was lying. I dunno guys... I don’t really want to hang Forty but I’m not sure we can afford not to. It was one thing to discount Cal’s words when he was just a conversational corpse with an unknown agenda. Now we know for sure that he was town, he had access to information we didn’t, and he wanted us to hang forty.

I think we have to.

##vote fortyinred

I’m sorry man. Honestly, I’m sorry either way. If you’re town, sorry. If you’re third party, also sorry because you played it well.

2 hours ago, Madaghmire said:

Ok so, I still 100% believe Jabba is scum. But Cal’s certainty about Forty keeps bothering me. And the idea that we’d already be dead if he was a recruiter I think may be flawed, since if he’d come away empty if he tried to recruit me, got role blocked, or got bus driven onto me/a target he or scum already hit. Also, scum trying to kill him doesn’t verify he’s town, just that scum didn’t get recruited by last night.

So I wonder if the most prudent town move isn’t to take forty first to verify, and then take down Jabba tomorrow. My own read is that Forty is town and we should just kill Jabba, for the reasons I’ve already stated. But Cal isn’t here to push his position, and so I find myself speaker for the dead.

this is valid, and worth noting. You and Nips read most town to me so happy to follow on Forty and Jabba tomorrow

1 hour ago, Madaghmire said:

But if he’s town, and he’s seen an observer doc (per Ghost) how can we not take that seriously?

I agree here following Cal on forty, but also agree if forty is scum it;s pretty harsh luck for him

13 minutes ago, EbonHawk said:

this is valid, and worth noting. You and Nips read most town to me so happy to follow on Forty and Jabba tomorrow

I will not vote for Forty for the rest of this game, and neither should any of you.

Mads has realized that one wrong lynch isn’t enough and is going for two. This is simple enough. Either you believe my hiding strengthener claim, which makes Mads guilty because it’s the only thing we’ve seen that could kill matt and it’s corroborated by @GhostofNobodyInParticular .

Or you don’t, in which case you should kill me, see that I was telling the truth, and get it right next day.

3 hours ago, Madaghmire said:

Ok so, I still 100% believe Jabba is scum. But Cal’s certainty about Forty keeps bothering me. And the idea that we’d already be dead if he was a recruiter I think may be flawed, since if he’d come away empty if he tried to recruit me, got role blocked, or got bus driven onto me/a target he or scum already hit. Also, scum trying to kill him doesn’t verify he’s town, just that scum didn’t get recruited by last night.

If he’s anything other than a strongman, you’re a liar and proven guilty by virtue of a dead N1 Bulletproof Medic.

Guys, do not allow the only strong-linked role in the game to dictate the last two kills we’re likely to get in this context.

I dont have any kind of strong linked anything. I give the people I hide behind the loved modifier, and I get it in turn.

Again, see the edits on Ovi’s flip.