Ahhh look at you my spoiled little babies with your new spaceships, cards and campaigns. Such a great year!
Time has come for us to celebrate Christmas by ruthlessly murdering each other one by one!
Signups are now open, getting tagging your friends and hopefully we can get a dirty dozen together for this game.
Format- players will create and submit any role they like, crazier the better.
Once all players have submitted a role, alignments will be drawn. You will then submit a second role, and once the final setup has been chosen, the game will begin!
Get tagging everybody!
@Madaghmire @Caldias @GhostofNobodyInParticular @Constantine Valdor Valdor
@FortyInRed @jabbawookie
@EbonHawk @Lord Preyer Preyer
@BiggsIRL @Truthiness @JJs Juggernaut
@Onidsen @Bike Stunts @Ginkapo
Signups close in seven days