Yaimpar be te Bes'uliik OOC

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Sorry Ruus, I don't usually call out typos, but this one really got me. :D


making a quick stop to their cabins to suit up in hull armor .

Sorry, I was cracking up at the picture of Tam trying to walk around in hull plating.

You meant VT-1, right? You wrote TK1, and I wanted to confirm that it wasn't two different characters.

35 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Sorry Ruus, I don't usually call out typos, but this one really got me. :D

Sorry, I was cracking up at the picture of Tam trying to walk around in hull plating.

You meant VT-1, right? You wrote TK1, and I wanted to confirm that it wasn't two different characters.

Lol, woops :D :D

@RuusMarev Please make an Average Resilience check to resist the effects of cold.
Please have VT-1 make an Average Mechanics check to scrounge for potentially useful stuff.

What's your plan from here?

Kebiin Resilience : 1eA+2eD 3 failures
a-a.png d-f-f.png d-f-th.png

Tam Resilience : 2eA+2eD 0 successes
a-a-a.png a-s.png d-th.png d-f-th.png

VT-1 Mechanics: 2eP+2eD : 1 failure, 1 advantage [2eP=A/A, -] [2eD=Th, F]
p-a-a.png p--.png d-th.png d-f.png

Double Post.

Edited by RuusMarev

VT-1 'S code was erased, had to copy the roll itself. That's why it looks weird.

Tam and Kebiin both take a Setback to most checks.

8 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:

VT-1 'S code was erased, had to copy the roll itself. That's why it looks weird.

You can access previous rolls by going to "Index" "View my rolls" and clicking on the roll, and if you accidentally delete the text, you can just refresh.

VT-1 Mechanics : 2eP+2eD 1 failure, 1 advantage
p-a-a.png p--.png d-th.png d-f.png

He hasn't found anything yet, but he has gotten distracted by something. I'll post for him in the morning.

VT-1 Perception check to analyze breath mask: Perception : 2eA+1eD 2 successes
a-s.png a-s-s.png d-f.png

By the way, @RuusMarev , droids can integrate equipment such as scanners, toolkits, or comlinks, but don't come with them naturally. Do you want to flip a DP and buy some to integrate into VT-1? (a DP because you hadn't accounted for the equipment earlier)
I'm not sure if this is RAW, or RAI, but I believe integrated equipment still goes against Encumbrance Theshold (VT has an ET of 6).
Rather than the usual Athletics test to carry, with Setback added to checks, since this droid is an NPC, I'll allow Tam to make Mechanics checks to integrate more gear than Encumbrance with a difficulty equal to the amount over his Threshold (total encumbrance of 7 = Easy)

Oh.. I thought they did...

I've been having Tam communicate with the VT's with a panel on her gauntlet.

I don't think so, but I'll double check. Buying the gear now would be a retcon to say that they always had said gear.

4 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

I don't think so, but I'll double check. Buying the gear now would be a retcon to say that they always had said gear.

Yeah, droid gear isn't mentioned. I'd say that's a pretty good indication they don't start with any.

Plus, Tam having the gauntlet could be considered a caller rather than a comlink since I don't think she's talking back and forth with them.

Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt
2 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Yeah, droid gear isn't mentioned. I'd say that's a pretty good indication they don't start with any.

Plus, Tam having the gauntlet could be considered a caller rather than a comlink since I don't think she's talking back and forth with them.

That's fair.

I'm guessing the components the VT's would need are in the Droid book... which is at home...so, I'll have to check it out when I'm done at work..

Nope, not necessarily. Just standard gear from any CRB or supplement, fluffed as being integrated into the droid.

For example, a comlink for the droid would be a handheld comlink. A scanner would be a hand scanner or general purpose scanner, and an integrated toolkit would be a toolkit.

VT-1 loadout:

Comlink, General Purpose Scanner, Tool Kit.

VT-0/1-4 :

same as VT-1, but with Hand Scanner.

12 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:

VT-1 loadout:

Comlink, General Purpose Scanner, Tool Kit.

Okay, that's 875 credits for VT-1's gear.

13 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:

VT-0/1-4 :

same as VT-1, but with Hand Scanner.

Hand Scanner instead of General Purpose Scanner?

If so, that's 475. Since they're minions and would normally be working as a group anyway, I'm willing for them to "share" the Tool Kit, bringing the cost down to 850 total.

1,725 credits total. (If you were to drop the scanner package for the VT-0s, that brings it down to 1,325)

What's your plan for Tam and Kebiin from here?

Other than the goodies they asked for, I think they'll probably make their way to the bridge and see if they can access the computer, see if there's information about hidden bases, or off the books factories they could exploit. Is the power source on the way?

The power source isn't exactly on the way, but it is nearby.

We'll check it out first.. just in case

Okay, when you get to the reactor room, the power is stronger as you get closer to its source. However, when you enter the room, you see that two of the three reactors are down, and one of them is leaking radioactive coolant.

If you want to restore power to a reactor or boost power to the online reactor, it'll be a Hard Mechanics (Ships and Vehicles) check, with a Setback. It'll take the equivalent of 3 rounds (though additional Success can decrease the amount of time by 1 round per 2 additional success) and each round you are exposed, the exposed characters take 1 wound.
Boosting power will temporarily restore many ship functions, but some places might experience various and sundry electrical defects as a result.

And if we leave things the way they are? O_O

Things with greater power draws will remain inoperable, making it much more difficult to maneuver in the ship and make retrieving information from the computers more difficult without a portable power source.

Will there be added benefits with the VT minions assist Kebiin?

They won't be affected by the radiation, and Kebiin can assist them through comms, so they can do the job from a distance. If Kebiin assists, they'll have a dice pool of YYYG (instead of YYG), but a Setback for Kebiin's distance making it harder for her to help.

Okay, please go ahead and post IC, then I'll narrate a bit.