Yaimpar be te Bes'uliik OOC

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

If we were to open the door, and drift a bit, could we scoop up some debris? (Vulture/V-wings.. assorted other .. stuff )

You could, but at risk. Hard Piloting (Space) check upgraded twice (1*speed [1], and once because you're trying to drift salvage into your bay uncontrolled).

Each Success gets you some salvage, Advantage can increase the quality of salvage, Triumph can get you something nice, Threat generates Hull Trauma, and Despair inflicts a Critical Hit.

We've been working with the Operation Costs houserule set for a while, and it's always bothered me (for a variety of reasons) that as per RAW, crits can be repaired for free if you have a sufficient mechanic. A big concern being replacement parts. So, due to this issue and the Technician/do-it-yourself/salvage tone of the campaign, I have a houserule to run by the two of you for approval.

Special Modifications has a Technician pay scale for repairing crits, and it puts it at 500*difficulty for what the mechanic takes home from repairing a crit. Extrapolating from the amount mechanics get paid for repairing Hull Trauma (250*Hull Trauma, half of cost to get your Hull Trauma repaired), I'd say 1,000 credits worth of parts to repair a Critical Hit, Advantage reduces cost to repair by 10% (to a minimum of 50%). You would get X credits' worth of parts for various salvage operations (though salvaged goods might add Setback or Threat to the check), and can purchase parts in port (these parts, at GM discretion, could be used for ship crafting).

Given ship silhouette, I'd say you can store 5k worth of parts (automatically granted, like your first tank of fuel) without counting against the ship's Encumbrance capacity, though any more will count against (probably 3 per 1,000).

Here are the actual rules, written out for brevity:

Cost to repair a crit is 1,000 credits of parts*difficulty. Advantage reduces cost by 10% to a minimum of 50%.
The ship can store 5,000 worth of parts without taking up cargo space. Any amount past that takes up 3 Encumbrance per 1,000 credits' worth.
To acquire more parts, you must either salvage them or purchase them in port.

@RuusMarev , @ShockHelix , what do you think of this? Good as is, tweak, or scrap? I need to hear from both of you on this, please.

I suppose. Mostly it just makes me pause in regards to playing Jonah and the Whale with the Wayfarer :D

(looks like I'll have the away-team see if there is a tractor bean aray that isn't too bulky/big and see about mounting it to ours..)

Is this a ship variant with a hanger?

This Recusant is the smaller model and doesn't have a hangar.

4 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:

I suppose. Mostly it just makes me pause in regards to playing Jonah and the Whale with the Wayfarer :D

That was actually part of the point! :D
I'd been thinking about this for a while, but when I was writing out the consequences for rolling a Despair, I realized that it had pretty much no effect since you could repair a Critical Hit without breaking a sweat. That was the impetus for bringing it up now.

2 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

This Recusant is the smaller model and doesn't have a hangar.

That was actually part of the point! :D
I'd been thinking about this for a while, but when I was writing out the consequences for rolling a Despair, I realized that it had pretty much no effect since you could repair a Critical Hit without breaking a sweat. That was the impetus for bringing it up now.

Mostly what gives me pause is when you Upgrade the difficulty two to three times :D The chance of something bad happening on a non-essential action out weighs the marginal gain. :)

Just now, RuusMarev said:

Mostly what gives me pause is when you Upgrade the difficulty two to three times :D The chance of something bad happening on a non-essential action out weighs the marginal gain. :)

But what if you got a Triumph? :D Intact astromech... Semi-functional Vulture droid brain... :)

I think I'll try for a tractor array for now.. Then cool stuff :D

(as long as we aren't interrupted..)

Okay. Connecting the tender to the Recusant is an Easy Piloting (Space) check.

Where on the Recusant do you want to connect?

Image result for recusant-class light destroyer

The rear section is cut off about at the "^", though the top shell is still largely intact.

1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Okay. Connecting the tender to the Recusant is an Easy Piloting (Space) check.

Where on the Recusant do you want to connect?

Image result for recusant-class light destroyer

The rear section is cut off about at the "^", though the top shell is still largely intact.

Just forward of your mark, is where the small hanger would be on the slightly larger variant. (Greivous used one in an episode..there was even a docking capability for a landing craft on the underside of the ..um.. keel/spine.)

would this ship be one of those? (if it is, they might attempt to dock/land there.. if not, i think a resupply hatch should work, especially if its near the power sorce.)

14 hours ago, RuusMarev said:

Just forward of your mark, is where the small hanger would be on the slightly larger variant. (Greivous used one in an episode..there was even a docking capability for a landing craft on the underside of the ..um.. keel/spine.)

would this ship be one of those? (if it is, they might attempt to dock/land there.. if not, i think a resupply hatch should work, especially if its near the power sorce.)

It is not, this is the smaller variant.

Image result for recusant-class light destroyer

The reactor is about midway between the top and bottom at my mark.

You can dock at just about directly up from my mark, about at the point where the shells connect. Please go ahead and make an Easy Piloting (Space) (with appropriate Setback from Handling) check to dock.

Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt

(Bit late, but the rule change for repairs is fine by me as well.)

20 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

It is not, this is the smaller variant.

Image result for recusant-class light destroyer

The reactor is about midway between the top and bottom at my mark.

You can dock at just about directly up from my mark, about at the point where the shells connect. Please go ahead and make an Easy Piloting (Space) (with appropriate Setback from Handling) check to dock.

Do we get a bonus from an assist?

4 minutes ago, ShockHelix said:

Do we get a bonus from an assist?

No, as there is not a co-pilot seat in the tender.

@RuusMarev if you don’t have any talents that can help with this, I’ve got 3 green and 1 yellow on Arde for space piloting.

Kebiin pilot (space) : : 2eA+1eP+1eD 1 success, 1 advantage
a-s.png a-s.png p-s-a.png d-f-f.png

Just now, RuusMarev said:

Kebiin pilot (space) : : 2eA+1eP+1eD 1 success, 1 advantage
a-s.png a-s.png p-s-a.png d-f-f.png

Showoff 😝

1 minute ago, RuusMarev said:

Kebiin pilot (space) : : 2eA+1eP+1eD 1 success, 1 advantage
a-s.png a-s.png p-s-a.png d-f-f.png

Okay, Easy Mechanics (highest, no restriction on class) to get enough power to the ship's door for it to open.

Kebiin mechanic : 2eA+2eP+1eD 4 successes
a-s-s.png a-s.png p--.png p-s-s.png d-f.png

Nice! Please go ahead and narrate IC, I'll pick up once you open the door. What's your objective from here?

@ShockHelix , what might Naz and Arde be doing during this time?

3 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

@ShockHelix , what might Naz and Arde be doing during this time?

I’d like to have Naz scanning the ships to make sure the recusant is airtight, and then I suppose Arde wouldn’t be doing much of anything except watching.

4 minutes ago, ShockHelix said:

I’d like to have Naz scanning the ships to make sure the recusant is airtight, and then I suppose Arde wouldn’t be doing much of anything except watching.

Easy Perception or Computers.

Oh ffs

Scan : 1eP+3eA+1eD 0 successes, 3 advantage
p-a.png a-a-a.png a-a.png a--.png d-th.png

There's too much interference, but you can tell that the ship still has breathable atmosphere in parts, which is a good sign.