Yaimpar be te Bes'uliik OOC

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

I'm working on the Empire now, but I also gotta keep up with Kandosii Beroya'se and Christmas lights, so it's taking a bit. ;)

Just now, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

I'm working on the Empire now, but I also gotta keep up with Kandosii Beroya'se and Christmas lights, so it's taking a bit. ;)

Doing my best to keep you busy on both games since I'm off work today. 😋

Well, you've succeeded. (Can't say I'm not enjoying it though)

The stormtrooper sergeant pulls a Vibroknife with his Free Maneuver and tries to stab Arde: 2a1T= With the Triumph he forces Arde to drop his Beskad and with the 2 Advantage he'll get a Free Maneuver to disengage.

The other Stormtroopers and sergeant are engaged with the other Mandalorians now.

Mass(ish) combat: ISCs: 1s2a: they drop one more Mandalorian, and with the 2a they add a Boost to their next Mass Combat check. Mandos: 4s2a They take out 4 of the ISCs and add a Boost to their next Mass combat check.

Naz's turn!

I'll have Naz fire the Scattergun at the first sergeant again.

I believe that's 9 damage from it on the first sergeant.

Edited by ShockHelix

The injured one? Easy, Upgraded once.

1 minute ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

The injured one? Easy, Upgraded once.

The other one, not the one Arde is engaged with. I have a special idea for him since I think Arde is next.

Okay, Average with one Upgrade.

3 success, 2 threat

You hit, but you don't do a ton. Take 2 Strain with the Threat.

Arde's turn now.

I'm going to have Arde use his compact flame projector on the Injured sergeant.

Hmmm. Well that didn't go as planned. I guess I'll use the 3 advantage to trigger the Blast 2.

Which does nothing, doesn't get through the armor, so you might want to use the Advantage for something else.

Even with the pierce 2?

He's got 5 Soak. Blast 2 is pretty much only useful against either low-soak targets or when you get several success.

Ah, darn. Alright, I'll recover 2 strain, and add a boost to the next allied characters check.

@ShockHelix , you want to go ahead and narrate yourself into the dugout?

Ooh. I must’ve missed the notification that you posted in this IC. I’ll get right on it.

@RuusMarev , you're up. (You've only been waiting a couple minutes at this point. You came in from the opposite direction as Naz and Arde, so you didn't see them.

Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt

Tam and Kebiin dont see them walking in?

Um, haha... oops. I meant your flight path didn't cross over them. You see them walking in.

By the way, @ShockHelix , unimportant side-note, but uh... where's Char? We sort of forgot to include him. Do you want to retcon him as being in one of the speeders?

Another option (probably a better one) would be to swing by Skirata's base camp and pick up Char and your other gear.

(I'm pretty much waiting on one or two more IC posts before the briefing begins, just to facilitate some introductions)

13 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Another option (probably a better one) would be to swing by Skirata's base camp and pick up Char and your other gear.

(I'm pretty much waiting on one or two more IC posts before the briefing begins, just to facilitate some introductions)

Got it. As for Char, I didn’t think it would make sense to bring him along to a full scale battle. Too much blaster fire. It’d make more sense to have him along for an extended smaller scale mission however. I’d definitely like to have it as they swing back for him.

FYI, I'm treating the Mandalorian ranks as commanding the analogous unit across branches, though the rank isn't necessary equal between branches (i.e. a starfighter corp ver'alor would outrank a ver'alor from the gound forces).

Basically, a ver'alor (lieutenant) in their starfighter corp would command a wing (analogue to a platoon), a ruus'alor (Sergeant) would command a squadron (analogue to a squad), while an alor'uus would command a flight (analogue to a fire-team).

I don't know how often it would come up, but I figured I should enlighten you as to the rank structure since I realized that it is something I've got in my head, but that there might be some confusion when I say a lieutenant commands a fighter wing.