Yaimpar be te Bes'uliik OOC

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Triumph to disable his Jetpack. Otherwise you just hurt him badly. I'm fine with you narrating as a straight up kill. As long as the kill is confirmed mechanically, you can narrate this how you want. With the 2 Threat, I'll add a Boost to the next check targeting Arde.

We accidentally skipped Naz... Whoops. Before you post IC, he should go.

Just now, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

We accidentally skipped Naz... Whoops. Before you post IC, he should go.

The downside of me hopping back and forth. Sorry.

I'll have Naz throw another grenade at the remaining stormtroopers.

No luck, but I can still use the advantage to trigger the blast 6 at least.

Hmmm. . . . I'm going to use his maneuver for the turn to have him run over to the Mandalorian that got downed.

I believe there's one more turn for the imperials before Arde actually gets to down the ISC Officer?

Okay (you're talking about the one who was manning the HRB, right?), he's still alive, but unconscious.

The upgraded die reduced the Advantage by one, but you actually needed 3 Advantage to trigger it anyway. What do you want to do with the 1 Advantage?

Just now, ShockHelix said:

I believe there's one more turn for the imperials before Arde actually gets to down the ISC Officer?

No, actually. You bookend them, so the order is Arde, Imps, Naz. We are at the start of the 3rd round with Arde.

3 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Okay (you're talking about the one who was manning the HRB, right?), he's still alive, but unconscious.

No, not that one. The one that you specified was killed in the Mass Combat check.

4 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

The upgraded die reduced the Advantage by one, but you actually needed 3 Advantage to trigger it anyway. What do you want to do with the 1 Advantage?

I thought I needed two, since the Jury Rigged is reducing triggers of blast by 1. Either way it's a wash now. In that case I'll have him take an extra maneuver, and recover 1 of the strain for him to be in cover by the downed Mando, if that's okay?

Just now, ShockHelix said:

No, not that one. The one that you specified was killed in the Mass Combat check.

That's fine, and yes, he's dead.

I thought I needed two, since the Jury Rigged is reducing triggers of blast by 1. Either way it's a wash now. In that case I'll have him take an extra maneuver, and recover 1 of the strain for him to be in cover by the downed Mando, if that's okay?

You're right, I forgot. Yep, that's fine.

Please go ahead and post Arde's turn IC, then I'll do the Imps.

1 minute ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Please go ahead and post Arde's turn IC, then I'll do the Imps.

Done deal.

Maneuver: They run up to and through the gaps between speeders, but 3 of them go down.
Action: Shoot at Mandalorians: They miss, but add a Setback to the Mandalorians' next mass combat check.

The sergeants follow them in and one of them opens fire on Arde, the other on Naz: 3s1t 13 damage on Arde. 3s1a 13 damage on Naz.

Mass Combat: ISCs: 2s1t, 2 Mandos go down, adds a Setback to their next Mass Combat. Mandos: 4a=The reinforcements are now only 1 round out.

Naz is up again. The Stormtroopers and Sergeant are in Short range.

(sorry, I thought I had posted that already. Guess it didn't take :( )

5 damage to Arde, 9 damage to Naz. Ouch.

I'd like to flip a Light Side DP to deus ex machina something, if allowed. I'd like to say that the fallen Mandalorian had an Adostic Arms 8-gauge scattergun on him (Fly Casual 44).


Alright, I'll have Naz use a maneuver to pick it up then take a shot at one of the Sergeants.

Is this one a challenge die again?

Yes, though this time from Adversary rather than from suppressing fire.

4 advantage, no success. Ill use 2 advantage for a free manuever to have Naz use a stimpak, then 2 advantage to add 2 boost to the next allied character's check, which I believe will be Arde?

Yes, and he is up now.

Okay, he's going to 'drop' the HRB, 'quick draw' his custom beskad, and use a maneuver to close on one of the sergeants, then attack with the Beskad with two boost.


Average with 1 Upgrade for Adversary.

Wow. No advantage. 10 damage with Pierce 4.

11 Damage with Pierce 4 (Brawn 4+1+6 Success) hits him hard, but doesn't drop him.

IC post is up. Is the round over or do the Empire and Naz have one more turn?