Yaimpar be te Bes'uliik OOC

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Alright, I’d like to have Arde aim, then take a shot at one of the ISC’s.

Okay. With the Preparation maneuver, that will give him 2 Strain.

Hard with 2 Boost and 1 Setback.

I don’t suppose I can use that Triumph to blow up one of the ISC’s Jetpacks and deal 10 damage to any other ISC’s engaged with him? (like the environment effects from Forged in Battle 86)

Sure, sort of. With a Triumph you can temporarily disable a piece of gear, so that could be extended to a jetpack. Falling from Long range would get the kill, straight damage wouldn't.

Eh, I’ll take what I can get. Works for me. Does he take a strain from the threat?

Yes. Then it's Naz's turn

What range are the storm troopers in?

The Stormtroopers are at Medium range.

(The ISCs are at Long range vertically)

Can I switch the order again so Arde can take another shot at the ISC’s?


Alright, then I’ll have him aim and shoot again aaaaaaaaand.

3s, 1 threat.

Okay, you hit one of them pretty hard, but he isn't down.

And another strain I’m guessing?


Alright, IC post is up.

Note: Phones on 2% so I’ll have to hold off until I’m home, sorry.

The TIEs form up around the transports and start pulling away to a safe distance.

The Stormtoopers advance one range band and will lay down some cover fire to try to pin down the Mandalorians: Hard Leadership check from Sergeant to coordinate fire. Boost since Stormtroopers have Discipline as a group skill. Success Upgrades difficulty of attack checks once, plus once for every 2 additional Success. 2 Advantage adds Setback.
2 Threat results in a hit for half base damage+Success on check and Despair results in a hit for base damage+Success.
2 Success, 3 Threat = only applies to the first action, doesn't last all round.

The Mandalorians and ISCs exchange more fire. Modified Mass Combat: The ISCs use of Jetpacks gives them a Boost since it gives the Mandalorians less cover and it gives the Mandalorians a Setback because of the increased mobility. Each Success is a kill, narrative results will be pulled from or modified from the narrative results table. Difficulty is Easy. Force Strength for both is Average. Advantage indicates that Arde or Naz gets shot at. ISCs get an Upgrade for Leadership, the Mandalorians don't.

ISCs: 1 Success, drops a Mandalorian
Mandalorians: 1 Threat. Adds a Setback to their next attack.

We are now down to Naz.

5 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

The Stormtoopers advance one range band

I'm taking this to mean that they move from medium to short, so Naz will quick draw a frag grenade to throw at the Troopers. Since Jury Rigged is passive, I'll use it on the grenade to reduce the advantage cost on its Blast Quality while it remains in use (so literally just for the one attack.) (Assuming you're okay with this. It's not an action, but I've seen it allowed and not by different GM's. The talent is on EotECore 138 if you want to double check it yourself. I'll wait on your ruling before posting IC.)

And that's a hit with a LOT of success. That's 13 damage, with an additional 6 from to every Storm-trooper engaged with the first one.

If possible, (and while probably annoying) I'd like to switch the initiative slots again so Naz can go again before the ISC's and troopers.

Edited by ShockHelix
10 hours ago, ShockHelix said:

I'm taking this to mean that they move from medium to short, so Naz will quick draw a frag grenade to throw at the Troopers. Since Jury Rigged is passive, I'll use it on the grenade to reduce the advantage cost on its Blast Quality while it remains in use (so literally just for the one attack.) (Assuming you're okay with this. It's not an action, but I've seen it allowed and not by different GM's. The talent is on EotECore 138 if you want to double check it yourself. I'll wait on your ruling before posting IC.)

In general, I'd say no, I don't think it fits the spirit of the rule, even if it is technically legal. However, I'll allow it this once since the results are awesome.
One option for it to stick is to apply it to all of your crafted Frag Grenades, and then once you've expired your stockpile, you can apply it to something else.

With Blast triggered, you take out 4 of them in the nearest squad.

10 hours ago, ShockHelix said:

If possible, (and while probably annoying) I'd like to switch the initiative slots again so Naz can go again before the ISC's and troopers.

I'm gonna say no this time. Let's stick with the order as it is. If there were more PCs or the order was closer together, I might allow it, but this ends up with them taking two turns in a row.

3 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

One option for it to stick is to apply it to all of your crafted Frag Grenades, and then once you've expired your stockpile, you can apply it to something else.

That’s fine by me, I had planned on just applying it to the grenades over and over anyway.

4 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

I'm gonna say no this time. Let's stick with the order as it is. If there were more PCs or the order was closer together, I might allow it, but this ends up with them taking two turns in a row.

That’s exactly why I like doing it 🤣 Fair enough though. It’s Arde’s turn again then right?


Alright, I'm going to have Arde move for the HRB, and fire his micro rocket at a different squad of stormtroopers.

This is getting ridiculous. I think it's official at this point I'm cursed in Kandosii and blessed in Bes'uliik.

That's 10 damage, the two advantage for the Blast 6, and the Triumph to upgrade Arde's next check next turn.


And you've demolished half the second squad...

Reminder, the HRB is a Gunnery weapon.

The Gunships and TIEs still hang back, one group of Stormtroopers will take a shot at Arde (2 Setback from cover because of the HRB): 2s1t hits for 11 damage.

There are 2 squads of Stormtroopers with Sergeants, but now they've been whittled down to 1 Squad and 2 Sergeants.

The other group is going to put down cover fire at an order from one of the Sergeants targeting Naz, which reduces the difficulty to Average: 3s1a Upgrades the difficulty twice and passes on a Boost. The remaining sergeant will throw a Frag Grenade at the source of the grenade targeting his men (indirect fire, so 2 Setback): 1f3a deals blast damage of 6.

Mandos vs. ISCs. Each gain a Boost every round: ISCs: 3a=1a takes a shot at Arde, 2a adds a Boost to their next Mass Combat. Mandos: 1f1a=1a Arde notices which of the ISCs is the officer.

Shooting at Arde (flanked, so no setback from cover): 1f2a, Adds a Setback to his next check.

Back up to Arde!

Well those hits actually go really well. Naz only takes 2 damage from the grenade, and Arde only takes 3 from the Stormtroopers.

I'll have Arde take hold of the HRB (Quick Draw), Aim as a Maneuver, Aim again as a Maneuver (2 Strain), Flip a Light side DP to upgrade his check again in addition to the one from his last Triumph, and then make an attack on the ISC Officer.

1 success, 2 Threat, 1 Triumph. Far be it from me to look a gift Orbak in the mouth. Is there anyway to guarantee a kill on him with that attack?