So I ran into a discussion yesterday. I was attacking a Hero that has the Heavy Cloak equipped, with a cave spider.
I had a surge and the target was already poisoned, so the only good thing to do was to use the surge for damage.
The Hero player used his Heavy Cloak to cancel it, so I played a Dark Might (to add one surge). Then the hero players said that I could not trigger the gained surge to deal extra damage, as I already "triggered" that ability (on the surge that got cancelled) and on their weapons they can only use surge abilities once as well. Is that the correct way to play?
Anyway... we played on and to not loose the effects of the extra surge from Dark Might, I played Critical blow for +3.
What would be the normal timing to use the Heavy Cloak and Dark Might? In Step 2 after rolling dice or in Step 4 spend surges?