Campaign Notes: alternate universe
-27 BBY
-Valorum still chancellor
-Dooku still apart of the Jedi
-Qui Gon still alive: and is nowthe supreme general of the Republic
-Qui Gon has an inner circle of force users and Jedi who answer to him. They are a radical militant group who is proactive and use extremist measures in peacekeeping the Galaxy. (Younger versions of Blaise zirkon and Suljo Warde are some note worthy members of this inner circle)
-Maul is still alive and serves as the “champion” of a separatist movement led by the trade federation, techno union, geonoshans, banking clan)...
-the inner circle is loved by the galaxy due to their “heroics”
-senate still corrupt Ie they just rescued a senator who is opposed to a formation of a grand army of the republic and is in fact a separatist pawn who has been paid a lot of money for his vote
-PCs are staunch supporters of the Jedi council who have taken a more passive approach.
-palp is not sidious. Instead Plaegius is manipulating the events as hego demask and Warde is the Sith apprentice (darth famine or pestiliance) and he has been manipulating Qui Gon and Valorum.
-the group is very wary of Palp who in fact is one of their biggest supporters.
Next session: the group along with the inner circle, a smaller republic army (composed of militias), and the Jedi will invade Cato Nemodia in hopes to finish off Maul and destroy the trade fed.
-during the session there will be a great betrayal by Warde who will turn on the republic forces, the PCs. The CIS will reinforce the trade federation leading to the destruction of the militia republic army. Death of Qui Gon
the PCs will be an insertion force looking to capture/assassinate maul who is in a bacta tank.
Essentially the PCs will enter into a coma or be frozen in carbonate/placed in stasis either at the hands of Warde or the building they are in will be bombarded by torpedos/laser cannons. Zirkon will rescue and recover their bodies and place them in stasis/carbonate (where they will not age)
this is where the time jump will happen the group will awaken in 4aby or 1Aby on the planet of Serrano which has been destroyed and infested with “zombies” (experiments conducted by Plagueis)
-the group will have no weapons or equipment and have to start from scratch (I’ve been very generous so far)
-total earned exp will be 150 at this point (knight level)
-the universe or most of it has been completly wiped out (lesser version of raistlins world in Test of the Twins)
-there was a great purging of the Jedi
-Plagueis has formed the One Sith made up of new force users and rogue Jedi who survived
-their allies will have aged, and there will be little to no rebellion Plagueis and if warde survives will be the ultimate winners
-clones will be the storm troopers and main foot soldiers of the one Sith with imperial tech
Question: have you guys ever conducted a time jump in your campaigns and how did it go?
Edited by Sincereagape