Planning to throw a Force User with the force power “Move” (version of Suljo Warde) at my PCs for the first time since we have been playing in March.
Two of the players are competitive people (they are able to separate in game from Out of game tension). Despite my warnings (IE: nemesis character will get two attacks per round ala optional rules for nemesis characters), they tend to get very emotional if they start feeling they will die or lose).
Suljo Warde’s move description states that he is able to move objects up to silhouette 2 and up to long range. Difficulty is the silhouette of the object damage times 10...(2 purpled)
They are a pretty formidable group...having already defeated Maul and Blaise Zirkon...
i plan to go all out against them but they will get emotional if I chuck an object doing 20 damage to one of them
are there house rules you guys incorporate to make it more diff for nemesis characters to hurt PCs with move and vice versa? ( the counselor is planning to invest in move. I already told them they will be able to use the power on minions and rivals with no problem. Against nemesis NPCs it will be different) There is the resilience opposed check which I use if a target uses move on the player themselves...
thanks in advance
Edited by Sincereagape