On 12/4/2019 at 5:47 PM, penpenpen said:Why would a Beskar round not be possible to reflect with a lightsaber? I mean, if it's a lightsaber resistant metal a lightsaber won't pass through beskar and I'd assume the opposite is true even in a physics light setting as Star Wars. Ergo, wouldn't a beskar round be more likely to bounce off a lightsaber, as it doesn't melt?
On 12/4/2019 at 6:07 PM, P-47 Thunderbolt said:Ah, whoops. I was thinking about it like Cortosis which can deactivate lightsabers.
That's an interesting point. @GameboyAK ,
Normally, you would be correct in thinking beskar would simply resist against lightsabers because of how lightsabers interact with physical objects, but we often forget lightsabers are not solid, but just coherent beams of plasma. Normally, a swing from a lightsaber has the magnetic field act as an 'edge', which is why it stops against certain objects. However, slugthrowers were an ideal weapon against Jedi for one reason in particular: slugthrowers cannot be reflected back like a blaster bolt. Because of that, in certain bits of lore, there are cases where slugthrower rounds go through a lightsaber beam, normally in melted bits of metal from insane levels of heat, but molten metal flying at your face is not a pleasant experience. Beskar jackets would simply ensure the slugthrower round stays intact, and not be liquefied, hence the 'Immune to Reflect' quality.
Edited by GameboyAK