So after watching the Mandalorian: Chapter 3 with my roommate (whom is also one of my players), he posed a question that I've now been pondering the last few days.
"What if the Mandalorians used Beskar to make slugthrower rounds?"
My first thought was "Because it would have almost no practical uses as compared to swords and armor." However, the more I think about it, the more I'm not convinced by my initial reaction. No matter what, it would be expensive to produce as beskar is limited resource, HOWEVER.. what sort of qualities would such a round have? Vicious like the Beskad sword in CotR? Pierce for being such a durable material? Perhaps the chance for it to be recoverable? Immune to the Reflect quality?
Has anyone else had this question pop up before, because I'm finding it potentially very interesting if something like this were introduced