Fleet 1070 (41/398/400)
Cymoon 1 Refit (112 + 38: 150)
+ Grand Admiral Thrawn (32)
+ Darth Vader (1)
+ All Fighters, Follow Me! (5)
Onager-class Testbed (96 + 15: 111)
+ Admiral Ozzel (2)
+ Cataclysm (5)
+ Fighter Coordination Team (3)
+ Orbital Bombardment Particle Cannons (5)
Interdictor Suppression Refit (90 + 6: 96)
+ Hondo Ohnaka (2)
+ Grav Shift Reroute (2)
+ G7-X Grav Well Projector (2)
Maarek Stele (21)
Colonel Jendon (20)
It may be not possible but is there any other way to increase the speed of Jendon without a Cymoon?
I mean, right the thing is this:
Star of the fist round - Onager move speed 1 due to Ozzel; trigger FCT to move Maarek distance 1
Command phase. Squad command on Onager.
Start of the Ship Phase - Hondo gives 1 squadron token to the Cymoon and 1 CF toke to Catclysm; trigger AFFM; trigger Cataclysm; trigger Thrawn Squad Command
Activate Onager, reveal squadron command, turn it into a token, activate Maarek and attack and Jendon up to speed 4 to double tap, then attack with the ignition attack with 4 rerollable red sacrificing Ozzel.
1 activation: 2 Maarek attacks and an Onager attack against a ship at speed 0 with possible critical effect.
Only problem: no room for a second g7 which would help with the speed 0 thing.