Wondering if Burglar's Turn could be used to cheat Banner of Elendil into play in a non-saga quest?
Relevant cards:
The "Saga Expansion Player Cards" section from Black Riders/Flame of the West: "
While most of the included player cards are fully compatible with all published The Lord of the Rings:
The Card Game scenarios, a select few are only intended for use when playing the scenarios presented in The Lord of the Rings Saga Expansions. These are the ☺ Fellowship sphere cards: Aragorn and Banner of Elendil, as well as the boon cards: Esquire of Rohan and Esquire of Gondor."
My thought process also lead to the idea of sneaking Boons in regular games, but this nugget of text from the Black Riders rulesheet (pg 4) seems like a no: " Boons are neutral player cards that must be earned by playing through a scenario in campaign mode in order to be used. Players are not allowed to include these cards in a game until after they are earned, unless a scenario directs them to do otherwise."
The rules for boons state they are cannot be included in a game unless they are earned, which implies that they can't be sucked into a game by a contract's setup effect. However that text is omitted from discussion on the Fellowship sphere cards. I know that you can always just play with the cards however you want but it would be fun if this actually worked with the rules as written!