Separatist Skirmish List Ideas?

By Blackreach, in Army Building

Any fellow Seppies out there have any ideas for skirmish lists for our brave metal boys? Also, tactics would be pretty cool too! What I'm thinking of: I have 3 squads of B1s, Greivous, Dooku, and a unit of Droidekas, and was thinking of buying at least one but maybe two of the B1 upgrade boxes for the extra options, as well as a box of B2s. Any thoughts?

19 hours ago, Blackreach said:

Any fellow Seppies out there have any ideas for skirmish lists for our brave metal boys? Also, tactics would be pretty cool too! What I'm thinking of: I have 3 squads of B1s, Greivous, Dooku, and a unit of Droidekas, and was thinking of buying at least one but maybe two of the B1 upgrade boxes for the extra options, as well as a box of B2s. Any thoughts?

If you are looking at getting 2 extra units of B1's I would suggest just buying another core set and selling of the Clones to offset the costs, would also get you another set of droidekas as well. Also the extra set of dice from the second core is good to have.

As for a separatist 500 point list I'm looking at this list currently:

General Grievous (175 + 33 = 208)
--Strict Orders (5), Aggressive Tactics (10), Endurance (6), DT-57 Annihilator (12)

B1 Battle Droids (36 + 18 = 54)
--E-5C B1 Trooper (18)
B1 Battle Droids (36 + 18 = 54)
--E-5C B1 Trooper (18)

B1 Battle Droids (36 + 6 = 42)
--B1 Battle Droid (6)

B1 Battle Droids (36 + 6 = 42)
--B1 Battle Droid (6)

Droidekas (100 + 0 = 100)
No Idea if the list is any good, just theory crafting for the time being, though with very limited options its a good place to start.
Potentially running esteemed leader over strict orders might be a preferred option for grievous, with less activations on the board there is less chance your B1's will get focus fired enough to make them panic and keeping grievous alive would be a priority.
Either way I'm keen to get it on the table and take it for a spin.

Well, I have a core set plus a box of b1s, so buying a second core set would give me too many b1s (Not that there’s such a thing as too many b1s). Not to mention the droidekas were a pain in the butt to put together, so I’m not interested in putting more together. Though, I will consider this list and try it if I should buy a second b1 box. What would you recommend for Dooku? I definitely want to main him, until they do one of the many separatist commanders from the show that is. Thanks!

1 hour ago, Blackreach said:

Well, I have a core set plus a box of b1s, so buying a second core set would give me too many b1s (Not that there’s such a thing as too many b1s). Not to mention the droidekas were a pain in the butt to put together, so I’m not interested in putting more together. Though, I will consider this list and try it if I should buy a second b1 box. What would you recommend for Dooku? I definitely want to main him, until they do one of the many separatist commanders from the show that is. Thanks!

I guess I was more suggesting that if you are seriously considering getting 2 more B1 squads it will actually be cheaper to buy a core set, keep both squads of B1s and sell off the rest than to buy 2 expansion boxes, but its up to you.

As for Dooku in a 500 Point list, he really is quite a bit more than Grievous, I would probably go with this to start with:


Count Dooku (205 + 15 = 220)

--Force Choke (5), Force Reflexes (10)

B1 Battle Droids (36 + 18 = 54)

--E-5C B1 Trooper (18)

B1 Battle Droids (36 + 18 = 54)

--E-5C B1 Trooper (18)

B1 Battle Droids (36 + 0 = 36)

B1 Battle Droids (36 + 0 = 36)

Droideka's (100 + 0 = 100)

You really have to put at least 2 free action Force powers on Dooku to justify playing him as you are paying a lot of points for his ability, and choke and reflexes feel like staples for him. Ideally you would want to get Esteemed leader on him as well but there is nothing else in the list to cut other than dropping a heavy trooper which I don’t think is worth it.

Again this is probably a good starting point for a Dooku list with the very few options Separatists' have at the moment, realistically your only other options is to drop the Droideka, buff the number of B1's per trooper squad and buy a tonne of extra upgrades like this:


Count Dooku (205 + 30 = 235)

--Force Choke (5), Force Reflexes (10), Force Push (10), Esteemed Leader (5)

B1 Battle Droids (36 + 34 = 70)

--E-5C B1 Trooper (18), B1 Battle Droid (6), HQ Uplink (10)

B1 Battle Droids (36 + 34 = 70)

--E-5C B1 Trooper (18), B1 Battle Droid (6), HQ Uplink (10)

B1 Battle Droids (36 + 24 = 60)

--E-5C B1 Trooper (18), B1 Battle Droid (6)

B1 Battle Droids (36 + 24 = 60)

--E-5C B1 Trooper (18), B1 Battle Droid (6)

Notably as you can only run a maximum of 4 core units you can't spam 5+ B1 squads.

The other option is to drop a squad of B1's, keep the Droideka's and buff Dooku and the remaining B1's to a heavy Squad.


Count Dooku (205 + 25 = 230)

--Force Choke (5), Force Reflexes (10), Anger (5), Esteemed Leader (5)

B1 Battle Droids (36 + 18 = 54)

--E-5C B1 Trooper (18)

B1 Battle Droids (36 + 18 = 54)

--E-5C B1 Trooper (18)

B1 Battle Droids (36 + 18 = 54)

--E-5C B1 Trooper (18)

Droideka's (100 + 5 = 105)

--Linked Targeting Array (5)

Anger could be Fear if you prefer additional suppression, battle meditation is mostly redundant on a 3x3 board and sabre throw is statistically worse than Dooku's ranged attack.

Honestly this last list is probably a solid bet as B1 Squads without Heavies do about as much damage as a stiff breeze, it really comes down to whether or not your willing to drop to 5 activations or whether you feel like 6 should be a minimum.

Currently Separatists lack a solid cheap leader or operative to run as well as cheaper additional activation units like Rebel Commandos Imperial Scout Troopers (not that these units are any good without a heavy upgrade but could be thrown into a list for 20 points just to get some activation control), so the Separatist list options are pretty restricted right now.

Sadly the B2s and AAT won't make a huge difference in a couple months' time but at least there will be some variance to play with.

Cool! Thanks for all this! I'll give the last list a try when me and dad play next. Appreciate the advice!

B2 droids will make a huge difference in this format. They live longer, hit harder, don't panic as easily and their range 2 doesn't gimp them like it does on the bigger maps

46 minutes ago, buckero0 said:

B2 droids will make a huge difference in this format. They live longer, hit harder, don't panic as easily and their range 2 doesn't gimp them like it does on the bigger maps

I'm not sure I agree with you, B2's still roll white defence dice with no surge so they aren't really that much more resilient. Armour 1 won't stop them melting from even a moderate amount of black and red attack dice being thrown at them.

Also Range 2 on their weapons is still a hindrance even on the smaller board, but they will hit pretty hard if they can get into combat without being shot at first.

Also as they are a core unit you are stuck at 4 cores for a skirmish list, so you can't take 2 squads of B2's and 3 Squads of B1's with a commander either.

3 hours ago, Mace Windu said:

I'm not sure I agree with you, B2's still roll white defence dice with no surge so they aren't really that much more resilient. Armour 1 won't stop them melting from even a moderate amount of black and red attack dice being thrown at them.

Also Range 2 on their weapons is still a hindrance even on the smaller board, but they will hit pretty hard if they can get into combat without being shot at first.

Also as they are a core unit you are stuck at 4 cores for a skirmish list, so you can't take 2 squads of B2's and 3 Squads of B1's with a commander either.

I mean at range 2 with a heavy they roll a triple rainbow for their attack. As for defense, armor 1 is very significant, especially against snipers and the white saves can be mitigated by using Aggressive tactics. I do not think you should run more than 1 of these units because of their price and lack of synergy with the faction,2gxjw000,1gxjw0dm0,1gake00,bl,jr,bk,js,bj,is

I am just here for the auto damage of poison and pierce, which is 4 of 5 units of this list and in this format, auto wounds are probably the best thing you could ask for

12 hours ago, Mace Windu said:

I'm not sure I agree with you, B2's still roll white defence dice with no surge so they aren't really that much more resilient. Armour 1 won't stop them melting from even a moderate amount of black and red attack dice being thrown at them.

Also Range 2 on their weapons is still a hindrance even on the smaller board, but they will hit pretty hard if they can get into combat without being shot at first.

Also as they are a core unit you are stuck at 4 cores for a skirmish list, so you can't take 2 squads of B2's and 3 Squads of B1's with a commander either.

I think all the points you made just backed up all my points. You secretly agree with me?

We're comparing B1 and B2 (their cost is the only drawback - they are better in every other respect, you may disagree that the cost is worth the difference)

We're talking about the skirmish game (all short ranges get a boost)

Why do you want more core? This game type benefits more resilient single units. Commanders and Operatives shine in this format, not core troops. Separatists and Clones will need to catch up in my opinion to be able to hang with Chewie, Boba, Sabine and Bossk. I'd take any of those over a unit of corps

3 hours ago, buckero0 said:

Why do you want more core? This game type benefits more resilient single units. Commanders and Operatives shine in this format, not core troops. Separatists and Clones will need to catch up in my opinion to be able to hang with Chewie, Boba, Sabine and Bossk. I'd take any of those over a unit of corps

I was more meaning that if the B2's were Special forces (which wouldn't be too far off thematically) you have the opportunity to run 2 x B2's and 3+ B1's.

The more I think about it I may be disproportionately viewing the shorter range as more of an issue than it is, I guess time will tell.
thought AI will still have to be kept in check with them, likely want a Squad of B1's rolling around with them to pass off orders.

4 hours ago, Mace Windu said:

I was more meaning that if the B2's were Special forces (which wouldn't be too far off thematically) you have the opportunity to run 2 x B2's and 3+ B1's.

The more I think about it I may be disproportionately viewing the shorter range as more of an issue than it is, I guess time will tell.
thought AI will still have to be kept in check with them, likely want a Squad of B1's rolling around with them to pass off orders.

I think its a big deal for the regular 800pt gameplay. It's a serious drawback. But in skirmish, the range 2 is not a big deal. You can get into range 2 turn 2 from any of the deployment options and the board is half size so you can get into range if you want to.