So, I am personally t hrilled with this news as this is how I have played most of my games in the last year or so and am super curious as to the builds people can see themselves playing? A pal and I have a pretty awesome 3x3 urban board that he put together and I ran this list last week (and barely eked out a win, mostly due to his bad dice rolls):
Leia And Chewie Defense Squad (500/500)
Leia Organa (90)
- Esteemed Leader (5)
- Commanding Presence (10)
- Recon Intel (2)
= 107 total points
Chewbacca (110)
- Hunter (6)
- Tenacity (4)
= 120 total points
Rebel Troopers (40)
- Concussion Grenades (5)
- Z-6 Trooper (22)
= 67 total points
Fleet Troopers (44)
- Concussion Grenades (5)
- Scatter Gun Trooper (23)
- Fleet Trooper (11)
= 83 total points
Fleet Troopers (44)
- Concussion Grenades (5)
- Scatter Gun Trooper (23)
- Fleet Trooper (11)
= 83 total points
Rebel Troopers (40)
Commands: Coordinated Bombardment, Sabotaged Communications, Brains and Brawn, No Time for Sorrows, Somebody Has to Save Our Skins, Covering Fire, Standing Orders
Edited by Bojanglez