The Animal Companion Talent sidebar in Shadow of the beanstalk (Page 51) states the talent can be used to control a drone. The Talent listing in Genesys Core (Page 77) states that Rank 1 of the talent allows for a Silhouette 0 companion, and each following rank increase the Silhouette cap by 1. However, only 2 of the drones has listed Silhouettes, starting on page 233 of Shadow of the Beanstalk.
Camdrone and Combat Drone groups each have a Silhouette of 0.
Hunter-Killer, Maintenance, Retail, or Toy Drones do not state their Silhouette.
As per the Hunter-Killers description of large enough to “haul around some truly heavy artillery” in additional to heavy infantry support Rival status, Silhouette 2 seems appropriate.
Retail Drones are Minions and also described as “small.” Silhouette 0 seems reasonable.
Maintenance Drone is “boxy” and “spider-legged.” Silhouette 1 seems reasonable.
Toy Drones is designed to be educational and accessible to infants and toddlers. Silhouette 0 seems reasonable.
When someone purchases a Minion drone, I believe they only acquire a single unit of that drone. Meaning that if someone wanted a Minion group of 3 Camdrones, they would need 3 instances of searching for a Rarity 2 item. Has anyone found anything in the book to indicate anything different?