Kathleen Kennedy on ‘Rise of Skywalker’ and the Future of ‘Star Wars’, Second Article Added

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in X-Wing Off-Topic

On bringing back JJ Abrams


And the more he got involved, the more excited he became. So I think if you asked him today, he probably wishes he’d been in a situation where he could have done all three — but as I said, these are huge projects.



Every one of these movies is a particularly hard nut to crack. There’s no source material. We don’t have comic books. We don’t have 800-page novels.

There could have been the whole Expanded Universe ...

3 hours ago, Singulativ said:

There could have been the whole Expanded Universe ...

🤣 🥂

@Singulativ Te vincere sequela

12 hours ago, Singulativ said:

There could have been the whole Expanded Universe ...

No, there couldn't have. Far far far far far too much contradicting, retconned material. Literally unusable stuff, quite frankly.

They take from the EU so much though, like Grand Admiral Thrawn, and bringing Palpatine back... 🤣

How come she knows nothing of what she is running?

25 minutes ago, Shadowshand said:

They take from the EU so much though, like Grand Admiral Thrawn, and bringing Palpatine back... 🤣

How come she knows nothing of what she is running?

She means going forward. Consider the timeline. TFA is basically post most EU content, quite frankly. She's right in that there's not a lot of stuff to work with after that time.

20 hours ago, Shadowshand said:

They take from the EU so much though, like Grand Admiral Thrawn, and bringing Palpatine back... 🤣

How come she knows nothing of what she is running?

Quite frankly, she's a oblivious to the genre, the source material, and of course the ******* fans. She may be a decent movie producer (obviously she has worked on great movies), but she doesn't know what she is doing with this IP.