Ho ho, what a lively conversation about shuffling a deck.
I would like to thank all of you so far (yes, I know I'm thanking everybody every few words they say, Sorry that's a sickness I'm sadly not trying to cure, sorry :-) ).
Really, it's pretty interesting and mostly playing alone I always have all these conversations around rules in mind, thanks !
and @Tonbo Karasu Hey thanks for liking this thread. As you may see I started it when I received my own core set in novembre 2019, I have archived all my questions + answers and now I'm laughing when I see some of my earliest questions. But the richness of this thread and all the others like it is the friendly atmosphere we have here. And the kindness of everyone sharing information, opinion and their helping hand :-)
I hope I can give back some of this. I know that I ask more than I answer and sometimes It's me being not focused enough that makes (stupid) questions here and there. (see the Facepalm).
What I like with Marvel Champions is that I'm actually learning how to play. i've spent all those years buying great games and being a d!ck à deckbuilding for the sole reasn that I found it both appealing and overwhelming. beginning with a smaller collection of cards like we have now with Marvel Champions is a better first step for me and I bet it will help me getting back in Netrunner with a better spirit :-)
So hey... thanks to everyone so far ;-)