Several rules questions

By Elrad, in Marvel Champions: The Card Game

1 hour ago, Tonbo Karasu said:

Yes, if you stay as Hero, the odds of Goblin reverting to Norman are reduced. However, note that there are a number of cards in the encounter deck that can remove counters from State of Madness, and there's always Advance, which is a pain in every scenario.

What they said ^

And to add: Target Acquired and Confusion are both great for keeping him in Goblin form longer, as a way of negating some of those cards.

16 hours ago, FearLord said:

33) You don’t put the other Nemesis cards into the encounter deck discard pile, you shuffle them into the Encounter deck (as it says to do on Shadows of the Past). If you defeat the Nemesis Minion (or the side scheme) they are discarded as normal - they’re now part of the encounter deck.

Oh i was misguided by this paragraphe on P.17 of the Learn to play booklet :


And thanks to everyone for your answers.