Ok, I was playing triple Cymoon for a long time. So much that after a year at the dry dock is the only thing I still remember how to play more or less. Actually I tried something different during the National some weeks ago and I was wiped out. Hopefully I'm still good enough to only loose 8-3 instead the 10-1 I thought it was going to be. Whatever.
During the National I tried Proximity Mines and new objectives and I really fell in love with them so I went back to my Triple Cymoon fleet and started a small brainstorming.
Usually fire from two Cymoon are usually enough and the third is there to finish the job on something sneaky enough to survive through the others. A less bully ship can do the same job.
Triple Cymoon like second player and their objectives are meant to help them out shots on the enemy. I would like to try some kind of farming that may help with an eventual lost of a Cymoon but more likely as extra income in the case of my opponent avoiding tabling.
Also with no bid, Triple Cymoon have no choice over playing second so it's up to my opponent if I go second or not. I wanted to fix that with some bid.
So here is the fleet.
Double Cymoon Objective (0/380/400)
Interdictor Suppression Refit (90 + 44: 134)
+ Darth Vader (36)
+ Proximity Mines (4)
+ G7-X Grav Well Projector (2)
+ Grav Shift Reroute (2)
Cymoon 1 Refit (112 + 11: 123)
+ Gunnery Team (7)
+ Proximity Mines (4)
Cymoon 1 Refit (112 + 11: 123)
+ Gunnery Team (7)
+ Proximity Mines (4)
Surprise Attack
Abandoned Mining Facility
Volatile Deposits
I have room for more things as 20 points bid is a bit too much for something that want to be second but right now I want to try it and the see what would be best (xi7 likely)
The idea is easy: win bid, choose second, enjoy the face of my opponent. Surprise Attack is basically a no-choice with 6 mines and GSR. I checked it there is no room from escaping and if there is it's really little. Of course against Corvus flagship or Raddus dolls I should choose first player. Maybe I should change to Station Assault or Rift Assault but first player doesn't look bad with those mines and GSR either. Mining Facility may give a lot of points. With those big bases and the engineering token my Cymoon could go aggro (which they like to do) and also score points. Dust clouds are awesome with prox mines and also the purrgils. And Volatile deposits is also another that provide a lot of points at the same time my Cymoons are free to hunt as I only need one ship to farm those asteroids.
Of course I need to try this first but it looks like good enough to me. Squadrons are a concern but I dealt with them before with the Triple Cymoon. Also I think Prox Mines may be a good obstacle for a Quasar or other carriers that are likely giving squadron commands instead of navigating.