Sleeves not available?!

By Guest, in Fantasy Flight Supply

According to the sleeves product page all but one are not available?

I have been waiting for several sizes to get back in stock for some time now.

See my post a few threads down. It seems like the manufacturer is the source of the delay, but that was a long time ago. It seems like they are not coming in stock anytime soon. No one official seems to be giving any details.

Bah ... I've waited a month after I had purchased WFRPv3 for the FFG sleeves to be in stock (anywhere - they all be out). 'Twas too long. I just placed an order with Mayday Games for their branded board game sleeves.

Is there much difference between the FFG sleeves and the Mayday Games sleeves?

Are they both of about equal quality?

Do they both fit the cards equally well?

I guess they are a lot thinner. Like "penny sleeve" thick. That's my main reason for not switching to them. Plus some of the games that I have partly sleeved with FFG's sleeves, would have to be completely replaced with Mayday's. However, I'm pretty close to doing just that if FFG doesn't get on the ball soon.

soiledshortz said:

I guess they are a lot thinner. Like "penny sleeve" thick. That's my main reason for not switching to them. Plus some of the games that I have partly sleeved with FFG's sleeves, would have to be completely replaced with Mayday's. However, I'm pretty close to doing just that if FFG doesn't get on the ball soon.

I am considering doing the same thing. If my company went into a back order like this heads would be rolling. We would have people camping at the manufacturers facilities hounding them to get stuff going.