Lieutenant Encounters & Seiges in RtL (or Talimir must burn!!)

By twak2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

So my 3 remaining Lieutenants have finally laid siege to Talimir at the beginning of Gold level. The Heroes, heedless of the innocent lives being lost take the time to visit the Secret Trainer before returning to try and break the siege arriving just as the Overlord gets his last siege token in place.

So what are the Heroes options?

Can the enter the town and visit the temple/market/alchemist before or in between fights (ie: can they fight say 1 lieutenant, go to the temple and recover then go fight the next one)? Or can they only do this after any fights they wish to have that turn?

Can they fight 2 lieutenants back to back and then head into the town and upgrade the walls (they’d not bothered upgrading them at all up to this point)?

Should a lieutenant actually manage to kill the entire party (which seems unlikely as these guys are doing some crazy damage even without their gold items), their turn is over and they’ll not even get a chance to buy the wall upgrade – is that right?

Thanks for the info.

Oh and any tips on how to handle the lieutenant fights as the overlord would be handy.

The 3 lieutenants present are Eliza Farrow, Alric Farrow and Krieg the Relentless.

The hero party is the Runewitch (dishing out obscene damage with a rune which gives pierce and quickcasting as well as being very mobile thanks to acrobat), Onefist (also crazy damage with a 1handed sword and 2 +damage skills), Lord Validir (using a gold 2handed axe and making use of Leadership skill) and Steelhorn (currently using a 1handed ranged weapon which he’s not optimised for, but very resilient thanks to a shield and some heavy armor, likes to battle every turn with battle-cry and unmoveable). All the heroes have +8 health thanks to the secret trainers.

I don’t believe I can wipe out the party unless I get lucky early in the fight and take out the runewitch and 1 of the other main damage dealers, so I’m planning to flee with Eliza as I’d like to keep her Brilliant Commander for the final dungeon and I’ll fight to the death with the other two – Aric’s DOOM! Is not that flash any longer and Krieg will return safely to my keep if he dies anyway!


Can the enter the town and visit the temple/market/alchemist before or in between fights (ie: can they fight say 1 lieutenant, go to the temple and recover then go fight the next one)? Or can they only do this after any fights they wish to have that turn?

They visit the town after all of the fights.

Can they fight 2 lieutenants back to back and then head into the town and upgrade the walls (they’d not bothered upgrading them at all up to this point)?


Should a lieutenant actually manage to kill the entire party (which seems unlikely as these guys are doing some crazy damage even without their gold items), their turn is over and they’ll not even get a chance to buy the wall upgrade – is that right?


Oh and any tips on how to handle the lieutenant fights as the overlord would be handy.

My advice is to deal some damage in the first fight and then flee. Don't kill anyone. Just weaken them so there's a better chance you can get a TPK in the second fight. You might even get lucky and have them decide not to have a second fight.

I don’t believe I can wipe out the party unless I get lucky early in the fight and take out the runewitch and 1 of the other main damage dealers, so I’m planning to flee with Eliza as I’d like to keep her Brilliant Commander for the final dungeon and I’ll fight to the death with the other two – Aric’s DOOM! Is not that flash any longer and Krieg will return safely to my keep if he dies anyway!

Seriously, don't let any of them die if you can help it. Lieutenants are your only way to get a good win, so unless you're wanting to see the final fight, you should keep them alive. And DOOM! is great in RtL IMO, since it's a free upgrade and not just an extra black die. It really shines if you have Altar of Despair and can spawn Dark Priests.

James McMurray said:

Can they fight 2 lieutenants back to back and then head into the town and upgrade the walls (they’d not bothered upgrading them at all up to this point)?


That's good to know, I was of the impression the party could only encounter one LT per turn, not really sure why.