Conflict talent and Morality rolls

By hikari_dourden, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

RAW says that conflict talents give conflict at the beginning of each session. Also they state that a Morality roll has to occur at the end of each session. But many GMs here, me included, wait until the end of the adventure for the morality roll.

So, what happens with conflict talents? I only give the "automatic conflict" at the beginning of each adventure, not each session, because the "conflict reset" only happens at the end of the adventure and the rule of giving conflict was designed with the "conflict reset" per session in mind, but I was wondering how other GMs that roll for morality at the end of the adventure manage this.


Talents like that are effectively balanced around once per roll. The system assumes that a roll happens once per session, but if you're using once per adventure then the talents 'tick' once per adventure instead.

5 hours ago, hikari_dourden said:

RAW says that conflict talents give conflict at the beginning of each session. Also they state that a Morality roll has to occur at the end of each session. But many GMs here, me included, wait until the end of the adventure for the morality roll.

So, what happens with conflict talents? I only give the "automatic conflict" at the beginning of each adventure, not each session, because the "conflict reset" only happens at the end of the adventure and the rule of giving conflict was designed with the "conflict reset" per session in mind, but I was wondering how other GMs that roll for morality at the end of the adventure manage this.


There is no "right" answer since you're using a house-rule from the start.

Since you're already doing what you want with the Conflict/Morality system (presumably to make it work for you), then you just continue to do whatever works for you with regard to Conflict Talents.

Since you're changing the "unit" of the Morality roll (from Session to Adventure, whatever that means to you), and the Talent by default seems to be designed to work on a Morality roll unit basis, changing the Talent Conflict accretion rate to once per the unit of Morality roll you're using seems to make sense.

The important part is that the Conflict system remain a tool used for character development, and not a punitive game dynamic.

11 hours ago, hikari_dourden said:

RAW says that conflict talents give conflict at the beginning of each session. Also they state that a Morality roll has to occur at the end of each session. But many GMs here, me included, wait until the end of the adventure for the morality roll.

So, what happens with conflict talents? I only give the "automatic conflict" at the beginning of each adventure, not each session, because the "conflict reset" only happens at the end of the adventure and the rule of giving conflict was designed with the "conflict reset" per session in mind, but I was wondering how other GMs that roll for morality at the end of the adventure manage this.


In this case, what you should be doing is using the previous session's accumulated Conflict for that Morality roll before you start the game, then reset the Conflict for the new session.

If you only do the check once person adventure, then if you only apply the conflict once per adventure as well, I don't really see the issue. The same number of points per Morality check have been applied in both cases. It just happens slower for one method versus the other.

On 11/13/2019 at 5:12 AM, Garran said:

Talents like that are effectively balanced around once per roll. The system assumes that a roll happens once per session, but if you're using once per adventure then the talents 'tick' once per adventure instead.

Yeah, what they said. :P

On 11/13/2019 at 12:12 PM, Garran said:

Talents like that are effectively balanced around once per roll. The system assumes that a roll happens once per session, but if you're using once per adventure then the talents 'tick' once per adventure instead.

That was what I supposed, I wanted to know how people that gives conflict once per adventure (idea that I got in these forums) managed it. Thanks! 😊

On 11/13/2019 at 2:18 AM, hikari_dourden said:

RAW says that conflict talents give conflict at the beginning of each session. Also they state that a Morality roll has to occur at the end of each session. But many GMs here, me included, wait until the end of the adventure for the morality roll.

So, what happens with conflict talents? I only give the "automatic conflict" at the beginning of each adventure, not each session, because the "conflict reset" only happens at the end of the adventure and the rule of giving conflict was designed with the "conflict reset" per session in mind, but I was wondering how other GMs that roll for morality at the end of the adventure manage this.


Having been on the receiving end of 1 adventure != 1 session under of previous edition of the game, weaponized in said case to limit the xp far below what would have been accrued by defeating the adversaries involved. I am now very hesitant skeptical of any GM who uses the same tactic to limit for example morality rolls or once per session abilities. Play by posts are a different animal in that there isn't a clearly defined session, which makes me a lot more skeptical that everyone involved will think the definition of a session will probably not be agreed by all parties as fair.