Palpatine; Help me figure out 1 more activation?

By BucketheadBits, in Army Building

I've been brainstorming this Palp list based on stuff I have. And I like all the pieces (its a little gambley, meh) but its just 8 activations, which feels like it will be too shorthanded even with PtS.

Total 798 / 800

Emperor Palpatine (210 + 25 = 235)
--Force Guidance (10), Anger (5), Aggressive Tactics (10)

Stormtroopers (44 + 26 = 70)
--DLT-19 Stormtrooper (24), Recon Intel (2)

Stormtroopers (44 + 26 = 70)
--DLT-19 Stormtrooper (24), Recon Intel (2)

Snowtroopers (48 + 27 = 75)
--Flametrooper (20), Recon Intel (2), Fragmentation Grenades (5)

Imperial Death Troopers (76 + 60 = 136)
--DLT-19D Trooper (34), Hunter (6), HQ Uplink (10), Recon Intel (2), E-11D Focused Fire Config (8)

Imperial Royal Guards (75 + 27 = 102)
--Electrostaff Guard (25), Recon Intel (2)

Scout Troopers (Strike Team) (20 + 28 = 48)
--DLT-19x Sniper (28)

E-Web Heavy Blaster Team (55 + 7 = 62)
--Barrage Generator (7)

Candidates to cut seem like; the Storm DLT's for a Strike Team? FlameTrooper on the Snows and maybe the Electrostaff Guard for Naked Storms? The EWeb and some upgrade for somethingsomething? Thoughts?

Starting off with EWebs and Strikes drastically ups activation. Im running this lately...

++ Standard (Galactic Empire) [792 Points] ++

+ Commander +

•Emperor Palpatine [235 Points]: Anger, Force Guidance, Force Reflexes

+ Corps +

Stormtroopers [63 Points]: FX-9 Medical Droid

Stormtroopers [44 Points]

Stormtroopers [44 Points]

+ Special Forces +

Imperial Royal Guards [100 Points]: Electrostaff Guard

Imperial Royal Guards [100 Points]: Electrostaff Guard

Scout Troopers [48 Points]: DLT-19x Sniper

Scout Troopers [48 Points]: DLT-19x Sniper

+ Support +

E-Web Heavy Blaster Team [55 Points]

E-Web Heavy Blaster Team [55 Points]

+ Command Hand +

Command Hand: •Ambush, •And Now... You Will Die, ••Give in to Your Anger, ••Pinned Down, •••An Entire Legion, •••Coordinated Fire, ••••Standing Orders

+ Battle Cards +

Condition Cards: Clear Conditions, Hostile Environment, Limited Visibility, Rapid Reinforcements

Deployment Cards: Advanced Positions, Battle Lines, Major Offensive, The Long March

Objective Cards: Intercept the Transmissions, Key Positions, Recover the Supplies, Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators

++ Total: [792 Points] ++

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Royal Guards seriously kick butt, Palpatine after all....why take one when you can do two for twice the cost?

I came up with this in response to my rushing trip/Tauntaun list, it handled them quite well.

Aggressive tactics not that great on palpatine, you never have 4 ordered units, and two of his command cards only order himself. Force Guidance, otoh, is money when put on guards.

Also, dont drop Electrostaff. Too good vs Jedi.

Thanks for sharing your list @Deadshane !

The double dip on Aggressive and Force Guidance is to let me get Surges on the IRG twice (likely for defense). With Uplink on the DeathTroopers (who are ideally shooting and recovering every turn to be ready for PtS) and Entourage even in the worst Order scenarios its 4-5 surge tokens total.

I'm gambling that volume of Surges will outperform a Med droid? Unless I pinch points somewhere else to sneak one in.