Clone of the Two Core Set Clone Armies-800pts

By BenBot, in Army Building

Here’s the list I’m gonna try when I finish glueing up my second core set of Clones! I just need to proxy one Trooper Leader but a time traveling stormtrooper will work just fine.

++ Standard (Galactic Republic) [800 Points] ++

+ Commander +

•Obi-Wan Kenobi [199 Points]: Force Push, Force Reflexes, Tenacity

+ Corps +

Phase I Clone Troopers [77 Points]: Z-6 Phase I Trooper

Phase I Clone Troopers [77 Points]: Z-6 Phase I Trooper

Phase I Clone Troopers [77 Points]: Z-6 Phase I Trooper

Phase I Clone Troopers [82 Points]: DC-15 Phase I Trooper

Phase I Clone Troopers [82 Points]: DC-15 Phase I Trooper

+ Support +

BARC Speeder [103 Points]: BARC Twin Laser Gunner, HQ Uplink

BARC Speeder [103 Points]: BARC Twin Laser Gunner, HQ Uplink

+ Command Hand +

Command Hand: •Ambush, •Hello There!, ••Knowledge and Defense, ••Push, •••Assault, •••General Kenobi, ••••Standing Orders

+ Battle Cards +

Condition Cards: Clear Conditions, Hostile Environment, Limited Visibility, Rapid Reinforcements

Deployment Cards: Advanced Positions, Battle Lines, Major Offensive, The Long March

Objective Cards: Intercept the Transmissions, Key Positions, Recover the Supplies, Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators

++ Total: [800 Points] ++

Created with BattleScribe

I’ve heard the Barcs are squishy but I’m hoping to hold em back till turn 3 or so...