token shenanigans SSD list

By player3691565, in Star Wars: Armada Fleet Builds

After playing around with the SSD I’ve come up with a couple of key weak area:

1) you always need a way to generate clicks, so that’s at least a nav dial a turn

2) running over obstacles is a mare and that just keeps giving

3) you’ve got to keep engineering to shuffle that damage off and keep it below 50%

So in my mind I thought the combo of an SSD command, executor, with a token Generating office (vanto) can give me 3 tokens a round on the ship and I have entrapment formation and take evasive action to allow a sudo Navigate dial for both ships. Piett sitting in an interdoctor will allow up to two tokens a round to become dials. A second token generating office such as Wulff will allow a nav token to be used and replaced at the beginning of each ship phase.

This basic build can in the early game generate a big battery of tokens that can then be spent to give the same affects as dials, while being constantly replaced at a rate of around 3-4 tokens per round, all the while generating the same affects of up to 6 dials per turn for the two ships, that’s a nav, engineering and con fire dial each ( entrapment/take evasive + native dial + Piett charging a token up to dial for each ship).

This Basic SSD build then has the standard anti fighter package ( Kallus, quads, emperor, gunnery team and linked turbo laser towers) with a standard interdoctor package supporting with a bit of battle field adjustment...fighters tend to get hit hard after a couple of rounds... ships get hammered and the ability to engineer shields and damage is scary good.

It seems to work against most lists...

Edited by player3691565

I don't believe it is intended to be able to spend only one token to activate both EF! and TEA!. RAW seems to allow it, but I am not as deep into the Rules as maybe @Drasnighta ?

1 hour ago, R4Pi3R said:

I don't believe it is intended to be able to spend only one token to activate both EF! and TEA!. RAW seems to allow it, but I am not as deep into the Rules as maybe @Drasnighta ?

I believe he’s using the Executor title and two tokens.

Not clear on where the second token is coming from if he’s not using a nav dial anyway, but a round 1 bank and a discard isn’t half bad, as you aren’t obligated to trigger both every round.

The problem being you have to use a command prototype.

The "each round" took me off.

But i noticed Something else. Vanto only gains a token after resolving a command. So with the SSD gaining a matching token to its dial, that only makes 3 tokens a round, if one is spent to resolve a command.

4 hours ago, R4Pi3R said:

The "each round" took me off.

But i noticed Something else. Vanto only gains a token after resolving a command. So with the SSD gaining a matching token to its dial, that only makes 3 tokens a round, if one is spent to resolve a command.

No but these builds tend to be awash with tokens and I’ve not been a in a run out position. Round one banks 2 tokens. Then every round your SSD build is generating a dial and two tokens ( one of which is spent in round by Piett creating a dial, vanto then turns this into a nav token). You can add Wolff which will replace one nav token each round as well ( but I generally put him in the interdoc flag ship to ensure I have a token on that ship for my recharged Piett to use and abuse. So typically you will get:

round one (battery charging and nav round round)

1)SSD one nav token banked, one con fire token banked, one nav dial used ( gets a nav dial and token banks as two nav tokens...uses one nav token to get a nav dial from Piett, vanto gives con fire token)

2]interdoc nav token banked, one nav dial used ( uses nav token to get dial from Piett, Wolff replaces token)

round two ( SSD 1 nav token 1 con fire token. interdoc 1 nav token)

1) use nav token to power up take evasive action ( for extra click on each ship)

2) SSD nav command, spend dial ( total of 2 clicks with evasive action) bank nav token, spend con fire token as dial, vanto gets to nav token

3) interdoc gets an Engineering dial , conversion to token then spends engineering token as dial and replaces ( if it spends nav has up to 2 extra clicks, suggest saving)

Round three ( SSD 2 nav tokens interdoc engineering and nav tokens).

1) spend one or both nav tokens on entrapment and evasive action ( only spend what you need)

2) SSD Enginnering dial, spend dial, bank token, vanto give con fire token spend token as con fire dial.

3) interdoc confire dial, spend dial spend engineering token as dial , Wolff returns engineering token

It sort of goes on like that....The combos are endless. Vanto and Piett on a command SSD is command tastic.....

Edited by player3691565