After playing around with the SSD I’ve come up with a couple of key weak area:
1) you always need a way to generate clicks, so that’s at least a nav dial a turn
2) running over obstacles is a mare and that just keeps giving
3) you’ve got to keep engineering to shuffle that damage off and keep it below 50%
So in my mind I thought the combo of an SSD command, executor, with a token Generating office (vanto) can give me 3 tokens a round on the ship and I have entrapment formation and take evasive action to allow a sudo Navigate dial for both ships. Piett sitting in an interdoctor will allow up to two tokens a round to become dials. A second token generating office such as Wulff will allow a nav token to be used and replaced at the beginning of each ship phase.
This basic build can in the early game generate a big battery of tokens that can then be spent to give the same affects as dials, while being constantly replaced at a rate of around 3-4 tokens per round, all the while generating the same affects of up to 6 dials per turn for the two ships, that’s a nav, engineering and con fire dial each ( entrapment/take evasive + native dial + Piett charging a token up to dial for each ship).
This Basic SSD build then has the standard anti fighter package ( Kallus, quads, emperor, gunnery team and linked turbo laser towers) with a standard interdoctor package supporting with a bit of battle field adjustment...fighters tend to get hit hard after a couple of rounds... ships get hammered and the ability to engineer shields and damage is scary good.
It seems to work against most lists...
Edited by player3691565