Hello all. I posted this a while back about a new competitive group starting up.
We've since played more, and acquired more models, increase the group size, etc. I've been reading through the forums on the new box set, as we bought several copies and split them out.
Is there a forum for specific tactic discussions for each army? Combos, tactics, better overall synergy? Usually what I found is this is community driven by an experienced player, who updates the first post with additional options are they grow. So players can immediately see the value of bringing certain unit/command/upgrade combinations. Is this post anywhere? Are there external forums I haven't found potentially?
Minor examples that we have come up with that were like "ohh, that is pretty nifty":
Double Move <Jedi>, and Force Push an already activated unit into combat with them, so they are safe for the remainder of the turn.
Using standby orders from 1 clone trooper unit, on another unit that is in a much better position to take advantage of it.