lf you fail the Mythos Rumor card, The Great Ritual, it says from now on draw 2 Mythos cards & ignore everything on the first card except for the gate opening. Does this include spawning a Monster card or not.
Mythos card The Great Ritual (Rumor)
You treat the gate opening on the first card as a normal gate opening from any Mythos card, so
- if there is no elder sign on the location, a gate + a monster (or two, depending on the number of players)
- if there is already a gate on the location, monster surge
- if there is an elder sign on the location and the mythos is not a gate burst, the elder sign remains there
- if there is an elder sign on the location and the mythos is a gate burst, the elder sign is removed, a gate and a monster appear, but no doom token is added to the doom track
Thanks Julia, l thought as much, still nice to get it confirmed. l don't understand parts 3&4, what is a gate burst.
Gate bursts are expansion cards with a diffrent dynamic then the cards in the origonal AH Mythos deck.
Basicly its nothing to worry about until you have them and the rules that govern them. You can check the various expansion rulebooks if you are curious under product/support.
alboy said:
Thanks Julia, l thought as much, still nice to get it confirmed. l don't understand parts 3&4, what is a gate burst.
Sorry, I haven't thought about the fact you could have only the base game. Gate burst, as North_Wolf highlighted, appeared for the very first time in the Dunwich Horror expansion. If you have only the base game, yeah, points number 1 and 2 of my previous answer
An additional question about "The Great Ritual Card" (which I drew and unfortunately failed to meet its requirements). Does this mean that two gates will open this mythos phase - the one shown on the first card and also the gate shown on the second card? That is how I played it and I learned my lesson well!
Yep that's the idea. Please remember that each gate opening is resolved according to the usual procedure, i.e. it can result in nothing if the location already has a seal, or in a monster surge if the location already has a gate.
Thanks! Fortunately I have some areas sealed off so the Gates didn't appear there, but did go pass my outer limits on monsters a few times. I had Hastur as the Ancient One and The King in Yellow Expansion in play.
Very nice mixture
Also Hastur is a pain with Great Ritual failed...
I was very fortunate I had some gates sealed and used an elder sign card to make it easier, Hastur with the 8 clue tokens to close a gate!!