The Grand Admirals humble beginnings

By Watcher42, in X-Wing Epic Play

Thrawn may not yet be in the game yet, but the first ship he worked on is, and its pretty good, you can make 6 shots at range 2, 1 primary with an added focus 5 with the point Defence turret (thanks to Veteran turret gunner) all with the added focus result.

The idea is that you put kallus' hunted condition card on an epic ship/your biggest target, then reinforce calculate every round, you then spend your second action to use the tabanna reserves after your first set of shots, it's may only be for 3 more rounds, but it would cause alot of damage, in theory you can spend alot more points for enough focus and force tokens to modify most of the shots.

Outer Rim Garrison (60)
Point-Defense Battery (10)
Agent Kallus (5)
Damage Control Team (3)
Optimized Power Core (6)
Tibanna Reserves (3)
Blood Crow (5)
Veteran Turret Gunner (8)

Ship total: 100 Half Points: 50 Threshold: 8

Captain Jonus (43)
Barrage Rockets (8)
Hull Upgrade (5)
Veteran Wing Leader (2)

Ship total: 58 Half Points: 29 Threshold: 4

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (29)
Barrage Rockets (8)

Ship total: 37 Half Points: 19 Threshold: 3

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (29)
Barrage Rockets (8)

Ship total: 37 Half Points: 19 Threshold: 3

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (29)
Barrage Rockets (8)

Ship total: 37 Half Points: 19 Threshold: 3

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (29)
Barrage Rockets (8)

Ship total: 37 Half Points: 19 Threshold: 3

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (29)
Barrage Rockets (8)

Ship total: 37 Half Points: 19 Threshold: 3

"Howlrunner" (40)
Veteran Wing Leader (2)

Ship total: 42 Half Points: 21 Threshold: 2

Academy Pilot (23)
Ship total: 23 Half Points: 12 Threshold: 2

Academy Pilot (23)
Ship total: 23 Half Points: 12 Threshold: 2

Academy Pilot (23)
Ship total: 23 Half Points: 12 Threshold: 2

Academy Pilot (23)
Ship total: 23 Half Points: 12 Threshold: 2

Academy Pilot (23)
Ship total: 23 Half Points: 12 Threshold: 2

Total: 500

I do love Blood Crow . I almost think you should try to avoid the enemy huge ship and hunt down starfighters instead. Let the bombers shoot the huge ship. You could put Hunted on a wing leader, or on a potentially dangerous ship to make it think twice about approaching.

I don't think Veteran Turret Gunner is necessary - I'm not even sure it does anything in this build. It could be replaced by Fifth Brother if you shave a point somewhere (like Jonus' Hull Upgrade).

The key thing about Point Defense Battery is not to take bad shots . If you don't have the mods, just save the energy for next round when you will. Sure, 5 energy seems like a lot, but if you're careful with it, you will do more damage in the long run. Especially prioritize those range 1 shots first. If you still have mods, then go ahead and pursue the range 2 targets.

Finally, the thematic junky in my is screaming, "Put Strategic Commander on board as a proxy for Thrawn!" Probably not realistic, but points for coolness!