Crafting Meds

By hman05, in Game Masters

The crew I am running recently came in possession of a Corellian Corvette and one of the players is playing a doctor. The Corvette has a fully functioning med bay and the player was thinking of possibly using it to craft stim packs. Anyone have any pointers on the best way to game that out with rolls and such. Was thinking of doing a medicine check with successes each being a stim or med pack but I wasn't sure if any other GMs had some other ideas in regards to that.

I would suggest handling it like a standard crafting check.

For the Medpac, just use the same rules from Special Modifications, but maybe add a little extra flavor of having to acquire a liter of bacta.

For stimpacks, what's the point? They are readily available and don't really have ways to be improved since you don't roll to use them. If it is a case of being short on resources and not being able to make a supply run, I'd say that if you have some bacta, make an Easy Mechanics check (with an associated credit value, or at least an assertion that they have the available materials) to fabricate stimpacks, with no options for improving the effect (but maybe they retain a fraction of the resources with a high Advantage/Triumph roll).

I would take a literal page from Genesys. Specifically, Realms of Terrinoth , page 113.

The basic crafting rules are simple, spend half of the price of the item in raw materials and make a skill check. The base difficulty is half the rarity of the item. Most gear takes 1 day, plus one day per rarity. Potions and elixirs, of which stimpacs would be considered, is done in hours instead of days. And here’s the table for spending symbols:


Some options won’t make sense for meds, but many will.

happy crafting!


I'm unfamiliar with the Genesys dice symbols. Going by the order listed in that chart's title, are they respectively the equivalent of SW Advantage, Triumph, Threat, and Despair?


Oh the idea of this brings me back to the Star Wars Galaxies game. I love the idea of players making meds like in that game. Would need some Bacta or Kolto though.