So, how’s it going?

By smickletz, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

I’ve only gotten to play LotR: JiMe once and I did enjoy it. However, I own Mansions of Madness and still have so many unplaced scenarios in that, plus they just released another big box expansion for it that I’d like to get.

Has Journeys been good for ya’ll? Does it scratch an itch that MoM does not? If you didn’t already own it, would you buy it today?

The game is dead

The game is 100% alive!

But regardless of whether or not it continues to be supported by its publisher, it can still provide an enjoyable experience. It did for me, and most likely will for you!

Yeah... definitely fine game. Have played first adventure through several times and it has allways been very succesfull and people Are waiting to play more. Quick and easy game, with a story element. I Expect this to remain quite popular!

It has the best features of MoM, but with a campaign feature, giving a scale of progression in the storyline and choices to make, or adventure you fail (but the game still progress)

I resume JiME being a mature game, as it takes the best of different games from FFG, like MoM :)

Edited by shade666
12 hours ago, smickletz said:

Does it scratch an itch that MoM does not?

MoM is not LoTR, so yes.

I'd still buy the game knowing what I know about it. I think I'd probably find a group that would actually be there through the whole campaign. I keep having groups that burn through 8 of the chapters and then someone in the group is busy and unable to progress...

I paid $75 for the game, not the $100 price from FFG.

Edited by Thaeggan

Yeah, the only issue I have with it is finding enough people to play it regularly. And that’s not been too bad, really.

I’ve also played both campaigns solo, which is fun.

On 11/8/2019 at 10:47 AM, Shooock said:

The game is dead

I hate to be pessimistic, too, but based on FFG saying that they would have an "active" release schedule with frequent small packs being released and occasional deluxe expansions, and this hasn't happened, doesn't instill much confidence that FFG still views this as a viable product line. Which is a major bummer if that is the case. Although, based on how things have been going for them this past year and looking at their upcoming page, one has to wonder if it is FFG itself that is dying/dead.

Edited by Otakuon

If you read the opening question in this news article from a few months ago it seems FFG is taking a different approach to expansions for some games and not just "pumping out" content. Perhaps JIME is in this more gradual schedule?

Well, I hope that is the case. Although, it begs the question, is FFG on more shaky financial grounds these days or are the new Asmodee overlords just pinching the pennies even tighter than the ones before?

In the Q&A with Andrew Navarro he said to expect an announcement for this game in Q1 2020. I'd say that indicates the slower approach.

I still love this game. Just finished painting the base figures and am starting on the Villains pack. My wife and I have played both campaigns and loved the whole thing (even if we lost both in the last scenario 😢 ). I am encouraged to hear an announcement early 2020 for more content. It is a bummer when other games I play like Arkham Horror: The Card Game and Star Wars Legion keep getting expansions and this one hasn't gotten much. Then I remember Arkham Horror 3rd edition has been out almost as long and only just got its first expansion. Keep faith!

On 11/15/2019 at 3:08 AM, Otakuon said:

Although, it begs the question, is FFG on more shaky financial grounds these days or are the new Asmodee overlords just pinching the pennies even tighter than the ones before?

I'd bet good money that FFG is practically printing dough. I'm of the belief that it's partly to do with Asmodee and partly to do with FFG's product focus.

I don't think FFG's slower approach to pumping out content is a bad thing, but I do think they should have the next expansion announced shortly after each release. Even if it's not releasing for 6+ months and details are bare, it gives players something to look forward to and prevents players thinking the game is dead.

On 11/16/2019 at 11:57 AM, EmperorKing said:

I don't think FFG's slower approach to pumping out content is a bad thing, but I do think they should have the next expansion announced shortly after each release. Even if it's not releasing for 6+ months and details are bare, it gives players something to look forward to and prevents players thinking the game is dead.

I agree, but if I may play devil's advocate for a moment: being prudent could be a good idea here. I've seen plenty of detractors and the game has it's flaws. Pausing to see how new components sell and how their recieved may allow for the opportunity to take in feedback and improve the game.

It's like Shigeru Morimoto said, "a delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever."

I suppose much of my concern comes from the fact that FFG in general seems to be less “active” than in years pass. I get that they may want to take a more holistic approach to product expansions compared to years past (although, I can’t say that most if any of their previous expansions seemed “haphazard”) and so they slowed down the rate of product release, but the lack of communication regarding their post release product support strategy for many of their games causes concern that maybe a product line is already dead and we just don’t know it yet. Maybe it’s just because they are so focused on X-Wing and Legion these days because that is where the money is, but there are other areas that have “slowed” significantly as well. For instance, news postings. It used to be they would post at least three or more articles per day, even on weekends. Recently, they only post a single article during the work week, maybe two if we are lucky. And they used to post “New Releases” articles on Thursday, the day the products were released but now they post the “New Release” article on Friday, if they bother at all. Also, the upcoming page. They don’t update it as frequently as they used to. Often times now a product will be listed as “in development” for months and then suddenly switch to “shipping now”. It’s a small thing, but gives the impression that they have made some cut backs. Speaking of the Upcoming page, go look at it now. It’s pretty sparse. Only a few product lines show any active products in the upcoming release schedule.

Again, not trying to be doom and gloom. We don’t know for sure what is going on with FFG, but there has definitely been a major shift in how they operate and the rate of product development compared to years past.

Mmm ... you are still speaking of FFG as if it were still a company, but it does not exist anymore!!! Today there is only Asmodee with their selling strategies. FFG is just a brand. This fact explains a lot of things 😉

Well let's hope they do some expansions, I like the hero miniatures a lot.

10 hours ago, tibia said:

Mmm ... you are still speaking of FFG as if it were still a company, but it does not exist anymore!!! Today there is only Asmodee with their selling strategies. FFG is just a brand. This fact explains a lot of things 😉

You are most likely right. But still for those of us that have been long time FFG fans, it leaves a bitter taste in our mouths. Look at the "Upcoming" page as it currently stands. It's just X-Wing and Legion products mixed in with a Few LCG card packs and a handful of RPG books.. The only "New" product on the page right now is the "Fallout Shelter" game which is a "small" game of sorts. Where is the next Journey to Middle Earth Expansion? Where is the next Arkham Horror 3e expansion? Where is the Outer Rim expansion? Where are the new product lines like the next board game set in Terrinoth or the Android universe (and yes, I know there have been "rumors')? Does FFG even want to be a board game company anymore, or is it trying to become just a LCG and Star Wars miniatures game company?

Maybe FFG is just in a "between release" slump right now. But who knows. I do know that in years prior, there would be a lot more things to look forward to in the months ahead from FFG than what we have currently. On the flip side, my game budget has shrinked dramatically as there is less stuff to buy these days.

4 hours ago, Otakuon said:

Look at the "Upcoming" page as it currently stands.

🤣 To that point someone on the IA forum was saying they preordered the first raid map and was just told to keep an eye on the Upcoming page. I could be wrong, but I don't think it was ever there; it's not there now. It was announced in June.

13 hours ago, Otakuon said:

You are most likely right. But still for those of us that have been long time FFG fans, it leaves a bitter taste in our mouths.

I do fully agree about the "bitter taste" (I am a "long time FFG fan" since Descent 1ed and Runebound 1ed), but in the rest of your comment you should substitute FFG with Asmodee 😉

Let's hope that the "new Asmodee Terrinoth BIG project" will be worth it as they claim 🙂 In the mean time, my money has gone to another company 😉

I've just picked the game up again (playing solo), after getting it on release, and I really like it. I think it 'feels' like Middle Earth, and I much prefer the art here than in the films. This is more like how I imagined ME when I read the books as a kid, my mental image more influenced by Raplh Bakshi than Peter Jackson