Support Character

By bblaney001, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

So, between Edge of the Empire and Age of Rebellion, how would YOU build a character that makes the rest of the party more effective?

Any species and an additional 250 XP to boot.


Instructor, Tactition to give dice buffs

Medic, doctor to keep them alive.

Modder, Rigger, Outlaw tech to improve their gear and ship.

I would stick to Doctor and focus on all the Stim Application talents.

Definitely would take a droid as an Technician/Engineer career focused on repair/equipment upgrades. Most of my players tend to be so combat oriented they leave themselves kinda... well, lopsided in utility. The support NPCs help mitigate it, but it also isn't top tier quality to remind them, hey, you can always make a character to replace them if you hate their work.

Other than that, since I'm the most knowledgeable of the Star Wars lore in my group, there usually is some sort of mentor NPC for Force Sensitive PCs to act as their guide (got a reoccurring one that is... morally questionable). She is statted as a Mystic/Seer.

so for this topic your looking for an npc with supporting roll? am i right if so A medical droid that is also handy with a blaster pistol might be it

A commander statted out to give the PC's extra actions as their gruff but lovable CO from the Rebellion would work nicely if the party already has a medic