RoockieBoy takes Corran to the Spanish Nats

By RoockieBoy, in X-Wing Battle Reports

Hello! After seeing no E-Wings at worlds I talked to a couple of squad mates and we decided to bring Corran to the Spanish Nats. Some people believe Corran isn't good at all, so we would try to prove them wrong. Here's the list I brought, "stealing" @Wiredin ’s Miranda build.

Corran Horn (66)
Crack Shot (1)
Fire-Control System (2)
R2-D2 (7)
Spare Parts Canisters (4)

Miranda Doni (43)
Diamond-Boron Missiles (6)
Han Solo (14)
Sabine Wren (3)
Seismic Charges (3)
Proton Bombs (5)
Stealth Device (4)

Jake Farrell (36)
Crack Shot (1)

Total: 195

I had only played 6 games with the list before the Nationals, but I've used Corran a lot with good results (Top 8 at Bologna SoS, and Top32 at the Spanish SoS this year), so I was confident I could at least win 4 games and have a chance to make the cut.

Rd1 vs Jeronimo w/ rebel beef (Cassian/Braylen/Ten/AP-5):

I try to bait with Corran while Miranda tries to get on their tail.


After a few turns maneuvering and 2 shields lost on Cassian the turn before, I'm able to hit the U-Wing with an I7 Han shot and a R3 Corran shot, leaving him on 2 hull.


Then Miranda launches a Diamond boron missile, killing Cassian, and hiting 2 out of the 4 affected ships. I get no return fire...


Next turn Farrell tries to get back into the fight, and Miranda does a 2 turn to get enemy ships behind her. Corran catches Braylen at R1, taking 3 shields off.

Miranda deals 2 crits on AP-5 (Wounded pilot and -1 agility).


Next turn I drop a proton bomb which hits Ten and AP-5, and Sabine tractors the B-wing to leave him with no arc on Jake. Corran turns left to chase Ten Nunb, and between the bomb and all shots fired, Ten is halved.


I realise the game is pretty much in the bag as all my ships are in full health so I try to get as many points as I can get as the clock is running fast. I'm able to kill AP-5 and deal the last shield on Braylen for half points, while bringing Ten Nunb to 1 hull, before the time is called. Unlucky for me, a 4 blank defense roll by Corran the previous turn makes me give away 40p. One more turn and I'd have regen'd above half, and probably dealt the last damage to Ten.

Win 146-40

Edited by RoockieBoy

Rd 2 vs Carlos w/ republic beef (Obi/Broadside/2 Arcs):

Here's the thing... Carlos and I are squad mates. We usually play a lot together. In fact, the same week of the Spanish Nats he came to my house and we played 4 straight games, 3 of them with the exact same lists. I was able to win all 4 games, and now we're paired against each other. Great.

This time I place Miranda opposite his forces, and Corran tries to flank. He moves fast with a red 4s, so I 2 straight 2 turn slam, to make him chase me. I lose a shield as I'm unable to get an evade on 4 greens. I'm glad he rolled average (hit, blank eyeball) with both ARCs and I had Jake's focus, or I'd have lost a few more...


Next turn Carlos makes a big mistake landing Obi on a rock, and a BIG BIG mistake forgetting he can BR or bosst off with FTCs. I had TLd the closest ARC with Corran, so I decided to shoot him and not Obi. Miranda slammed and Jake has no shot. Corran rolls poorly and I only take a shield off the ARC, while losing 2 shields myself.


Next turn is huge. Obi senses Corran's dial, and gets Obi into R1 of Corran, blocking my BR to the right. BR left is hard to tell if it fits or not because of the big rock, so I take a big risk, and boost towards Broadside, linking to a TL on the Y-Wing. Corran rolls 2 hits but FCS fails again and Corran only takes 2 shields off the y-wing. Broadside gets all 3 hits on the ICT, and I blank out with Corran, who is ionised.


I decide to double tap the Y-wing and only deal 1 damage card. My dice aren't working at all.


I even had to spend crack shot to do 1 damage!


Next turn I regen a shield and focus with Corran. Obi gets on my tail, but gets only 2 damage on Corran. I get evade focus blank and decide to take the hit and save the focus for the Ion shot, but Broadside gets 3 hits 1 crit with the ICT, so Corran is Ion'd again. Meanwhile Jake and Miranda chip a few damage off the ARCs, but Miranda is also getting damaged.

The following turn finally the ICT misses, and Corran is able to run away and regen. Time is running out and I'm down on points. The final turn I get half points on Obi with Corran and a 1 hull Jake kills Broadside, and one ARC is halved so I crawl back into the game... but it only lasts until the last ARC shot kills Miranda. I go for the double tap on a 2 hull Obi trying to finish him off, but he gets 3 natties to my hit crit. That makes 7 out of 8 nattie evades on the last 3 shots on Obi (2 from Corran, 1 from Miranda), sealing the win for my opponent. He didn't even need to spend his focus!


Corran still had the Spare parts charge, so I could have regen'd above half but it would take 2 turns...


Loss 101-137

Edited by RoockieBoy

Rd 3 vs Walter (Boba/2x Starvipers):

Corran acts as bait while Miranda and Jake go after Boba. First engagement I double tap Boba with Miranda, and also shoot with Jake, dealing 2 shields off Boba. Miranda loses 3 shields (one self inflicted, 2 from Boba's shot).

Next turn Corran evades the trap, and Boba drops a proximity mine just in case I decide to pursue him.


Several turns later Miranda dies to an unlucky console fire crit (didn't have a chance to repair it), and is unable to regen her last shield. I've dealt half points on both Starvipers, but Boba is still above half. With the clock running out, I get a R1 bullseye shot on Boba with Corran, getting him below half. But I forget about the proxy mine...


As time is called and last turn is played, I get lucky and blank out on the proxy mine, so Corran has still 1 shield left. Jake gives him a focus, and Corran takes an evade. My 3 hard left dodges Boba's arc (he should have 1 banked right instead of 2 hard left + boost), so I just have to not take damage from a R3 focus shot and a R2 focus shot. I have an evade and a focus, but my opponent just whiffs the first shot (3 blanks), and only gets 2 damage on the 2nd shot, so 1 paint in 3 greens will be enough, and I get it!

Win 100-78

Edited by RoockieBoy

Rd 4 vs Daniel (Rey/Poe):

Another pal from the club, he's been playing Rey for ages, and his Rey/Poe (with BB astro) has given him good results.

First engagement I hit Rey with all I have, while Poe isn't able to get into action this turn. Rey loses her shields and is dealt a damage card.

Next turn, a missed block by Miranda on Poe leaves Corran vulnerable to Poe's protorp, and he natties the 4 hits. I evade 1 and lose all 3 shields. Luckily Rey doesn't have a shot on Corran. I double tap the falcon and take her down to a few hull.

Next 2 turns Corran runs and regens, while Miranda and Jake keep Rey busy. Now rey is on 2 hull, with a few nasty crits, like weapons failure. Miranda is on 3 hull.


A few turns later Corran is back into the fight, and Rey is killed, but Poe gets another 4 damage with the protorp again not needing to spend the lock, and Corran only evades 1, losing 2 shields and getting a console fire crit.


A few turns later I'm unable to get much damage on Poe even though I hit him with a bomb, and with very little time left he sees Corran can get above half with R2's last charge and the spare parts charge so Poe goes after Corran, and after rolling 3 blanks on my greens, Corran is on 1 hull. Time is called and I try to escape, but Poe does a 3 straight 3 turn slam and catches Corran. He gets 2 damage and I only roll 2 dice because of outmaneuver. I need 1 evade to survive as I had recovered 1 shield with the spare parts charge. I get blank focus. 0 evades on my last 5 greens seals the deal for the resistance...


Loss 119-97

Edited by RoockieBoy

Rd 5 vs Aingeru (Wedge/Thane/Braylen/RedVet):

So I'm 2-2 now, with not too high MOV. I need to win 2 more games and get a lot of points if I want to make the cut.

Miranda and Corran both go after Thane, as he's stressed from the debris so has no focus. I take 2 shields off and deal him a -1 agility crit. Jake was too far to contribute this turn.


Miranda only loses 2 shields, plus the one I self inflicted.


Next turn miranda 3 banks 3 straight slams, and Corran 5 straight boost. Both Thane and Wedge disengage, and the Red Vet starts chasing Miranda. Only Jake has a shot, and plinks a shield off Braylen.

The following turns Thane and Wedge both K-turn, and Miranda drops a proton bomb which hits the red vet. I thought about using Sabine to Ion the Red Vet, but finally decided not to, which I later regretted, as the vet did a 3 turn left and got a shot on Miranda and I blanked out (3 greens, 0 evades), getting the K-wing just on the edge of half points. It took me several turns but I finally killed Thane with Corran.

Time was called and I was winning 48-39. I only had to deal 1 damage on Braylen to get him to half points, but Miranda was on 1 hull. If she died, I'd lose by 4p. I dialed a 3 bank to try and slam out of the enemy's arcs with a 3 straigh or 3 bank slam, and I was very glad to see Braylen do the BR to get stressed, as it allowed me to slam past him and the Red Vet, so Miranda would surely survive. Corran did the necessary damage to Braylen, but braylen got Corran down to 1 shield. If the vet could deal 1 more damage, he would get half points and win by 3p! The red vet had a TL on Miranda, so it was unmodded. The x wing got 2 hits, and Corran got 2 evades on 4 dice (it was obstructed), so I got the win.

Win 74-39

Edited by RoockieBoy

Rd 6 vs Melkor (Vennie/Cova/Finn/PS1 A-wing):

A hard opponent from my local store, and a really good guy. I didn't take pictures but it was an awesome game. It didn't start well as I rolled 4 blanks with Jake even though I had a focus, and I lost half points on the first shot. Miranda went aggresive and slammed close to the enemy ships, losing 2 shields in the process.

A few turns later I was able to kill Cova and do a lot of damage on Vennie, while Miranda was on 2-3 hull. I lost Jake due to a dumb mistake of boosting too close to a debris that was going to be blown up. Jake got hit, but Vennie didn't and he killed the 1 hull Jake that turn.

Corran killed Vennie just before he could kill the 1 hull fleeing Miranda, but the A-wing killed her the next turn. Time was called and I was winning, but a R1 face to face with Corran and Finn gave it one last epic final. Corran halved Finn, but the BIG DEAL did 3 damage to a 1 shield Corran, who had to spend the focus to not get halved. Corran's double tap almost killed Finn, but wasn't able to.

Win 146-115

I ended up 41st, and 11th best Rebel so I missed the cut, but I got a Dutch Vander card. Most importantly, the other two "Corran lovers" squad mates both made the cut using Corran, and one of them even got to Top8!

awesome! I love seeing my Miranda gain some traction.

I got to revisit Corran, I really can't seem to get him to work for me, and I love E-wings :(