Army building philosophy

By Alan Noir, in Army Building

So after 18 months or so of casual play with my brother we're looking to get a bit more tactical with our army lists. Play is casual, but mostly the list building for both of us is just random try and see.

We alternate between rebels and imperial each time we play, but for space reasons we still rely on a 3x3 board. We now tend to play at 600 points either Take the Hill scenarios or condensed versions of the core box.

In general, we're looking to see how to make the most from the following Expansions


Vader, Veers, Krennic, Boba

Stormtroopers x 4 units (core set x2)

Speeder Bikes x 2 units (core set x2)


Scout Troopers

Imperial Specialists


Luke, Han, Jyn, Chewie

Rebel Troopers x 4 units (core x 2)

At-Rt x 2 (core x 2)

Fleet troopers


Rebel Specialists

In general Death troopers always get used (with the DLT heavy), scout strike team too. Regular scouts, speeder bikes rarely, stormtroopers always with DLT. Vader less and less. Usually Veers/Krennic plus Boba combo

Rebels tend to vary more. Pathfinders hit and miss, always Pao never bistan. Same for Jyn. Fleets used with scatter gun a lot, ATRT x1 about half the time. Commanders vary. Chewie used a lot. Z6 always.

So if you were restricted to 600 points of the above, how would you go about doing a list for both factions? Im not really looking for line by line lists as such, more your thinking behind it. Are certain units better for offense, or work together well that may not be obvious? Are any upgrades an absolute must (apart from DLT Z6 which seems obvious) etc etc

Thanks in advance

This is something I'd use using what you have and only 600 points for Rebels:
Luke Skywalker [160](160)

Jyn Erso [110](114)
Duck and Cover [4]
A-180 Pistol Config [0]

Rebel Troopers [40](62)
Z-6 Trooper [22]

Rebel Troopers [40](62)
Z-6 Trooper [22]
Rebel Troopers [40](62)
Z-6 Trooper [22]

Rebel Troopers [40](62)
Z-6 Trooper [22]

Fleet Troopers [44](78)
Scatter Gun Trooper [23]
Fleet Trooper [11]
I really like using Jyn now that shes got the points decrease. She's even better combined with Luke- one of my favorite unit combinations in the game. Didn't include pathfinders because I just don't they're worth their points as they sometimes fizzle out without doing anything useful.
As far as an empire army goes, I'd do something like this:
General Veers [80](80)

Director Orson Krennic [90](90)

Boba Fett [140](150)
Duck and Cover [4]
Hunter [6]

Stormtroopers [44](68)
DLT-19 Stormtrooper [24]
Stormtroopers [44](44)

Stormtroopers [44](44)

Imperial Death Troopers [76](124)
DLT-19D Trooper [34]
Hunter [6]
E-11D Focused Fire Config [8]
Few upgrades but I think that getting in the seven activations is key especially with Fett usually liking to activate last a lot.
Hope that's helpful

Interesting. Thanks

Are naked stormtroopers worth it with just 4 white dice? I know its 600 limit right now, but would you give up DLTs for the sake of an extra activation generally?

Edited by Alan Noir

Personally I'd cut either Veers or Boba Fett to add another core unit for the imperials and run all the storm troopers with DLT

17 hours ago, Alan Noir said:

Interesting. Thanks

Are naked stormtroopers worth it with just 4 white dice? I know its 600 limit right now, but would you give up DLTs for the sake of an extra activation generally?

I personally love to run some Stormtrooper squad without any upgrade. They are great to grab objective.

Since they don't have firepower themselves, you can play defensively as much as possible with them (their red defense die help) while your big hitters do the killing.

Never forget that this game is won first of all by playing the objectives and not by killing your opponent's units.