This is an open letter to the game designers and the community to make the game better. Star Wars Destiny is a great game, with an elegant design and easy to learn and play. I've been playing and enjoying this game since its release in Awakenings and I'm still a very active, playing at local stores and Prime Championships.
At our local store we have hot discussions about how to make the game better and how to have a more diverse game. So here's a list of problems that we have detected in the game design and some suggestions to make it better to make this game live forever.
Note: I think that this suggestions would be better in a post rotation meta.
Problem: To build three-color teams is too easy and there's no penalty if you compare with two-color or monocolor teams. This make easier for three-color teams to win than monocolor teams. Why would you create a team with one or two colors if you can put three characters and have access to the best cards of each color?
It's easy to confirm this when you see in tops and finals that all teams are three-color or Reylo (which gives you access to all the best blue cards in the game).
Suggestion: Add penalty points to multicolor teams.
30 Points for monocolor decks
29 Points for two-color decks
27 Points for three-color decks
This will limit three-color decks and will give some advantage to decks with one or two colors that have less cards to pick.
Problem: Current meta abuses of the same cards over and over. Multicolor decks just pick the best cost-effect cards which results in a less diverse meta. You can predict accurately which cards a deck has just by seeing the colors of the team, no matter which characters are in that team.
For example Multicolor villain decks will always play Hidden Motive, Desperate Measures, Probe and Forsaken. Probably two copies of each in a 30 cards deck.
Suggestion: To create more subtype tech cards like Automated Defense, Droid Mods and Reassemble. Some changes to cards too good that would make the game more interesting:
- Hidden Motive (spot Jedi or Sith)
- Desperate Measures (spot Scoundrel)
- Probe (spot Leader or Trooper)
- Forsaken (spot Advisor or Sith)
- Riot Shield (play only on a Trooper)
- Armor Plating (play only on a Bounty Hunter)
This will force players to play other cards in the set that are never played and be more creative with the deck building.
Problem: The addition of subtypes created a lot of new archetypes that are amazing but not being used because players just prefer to play highly cost-effect cards like Fist and Megablasters that can win a game in just a couple of rounds.
Suggestion: Encourage archetypes by releasing more cards that required subtypes and less generic cards. A set of at least 8-10 cards for each subtype would be probably very good:
- Leader
- Trooper
- Scoundrel
- Scavenger
- Jedi
- Sith
- Apprentice
- Pilot
- Wookie
- Witch
- Advisor
This will create a set of around 100 tech cards for each archetype that you can mix by having in your teams characters like 4-LOM (Droid and Bounty Hunter) and Palpatine (Sith and Leader). In my opinion Ewoks, Droids and Bounty Hunters already have a good set of cards, although a couple more would not hurt.
The other 60 cards could be neutral cards, upgrades, supports, downgrades, plots and battlefields.
Problem: Testing a CCG is hard and sometimes it feels like Star Wars Destiny has not been tested properly. Nerfs like C3PO and Snoke were too obvious and other cards interactions resulted in infinite loops like Kes and LAAT, released in the same set. BTW, can we add Kes and LAAT to the restricted list and remove the nerf to the LAAT?
Also it's interesting how a card like Desperate Measures has been released before Covert Missions that seems to be encouraging the use of supports and plots like the Destroy the Death Star. Who's going to play a deck with Destroy the Death Star plot if you know that your opponent will destroy your Vehicles by 0 resources? In current meta and spoilers I think that nobody will.
Suggestion: Contact with some big communities to test under an NDA. They will probably test it for free and will provide valuable feedback very happy.
I hope the design team like this suggestions and consider this letter as an honest and constructive feedback.
Edited by elecash